Light of Day

Catching up gradually, time for Chapters 21 to 25 :slight_smile:

Chapter 21; Crashing The Party: Was so glad Slade couldn’t get away. Glad Ebony wasn’t mad for too long. HAHAHA. Eugh Salene get a backbone luv, I miss the stronger S4 Salene and she works better single so no more perving at Jay, thank you HAHAHA. I loved the relationship Salene had with Mouse and Dee so this was nice scene between her and Trudy. Nice throwback to when Sammy got drunk. ‘If you finish that sentence I’ll rip your tongue out and string you up with it.’ WHAT A LINE from Ellie!!! Just brilliant! Darryl and crazy vegetable lady was funny to read. And I was so happy to read Gel’s mysterious man has returned!!! They didn’t mess about did they! :kiss:

*Chapter 22; The Last Dance: Eugh May is just repulsive, I really hope Darryl gets someone nice and she stays all alone and miserable. I liked all the women fighting over Darryl in the crowd and then May just had to go and ruin it. Just bump her off already. Amber and Jay just :face_vomiting: Awww Ruby really did like Ram :cry: you are so mean @MallRatMatt taking Ram from her and us! MWAH. Oh and then I read Trudy is enjoying a man but noooo that just couldn’t last could it. All these feelings and emotions you make me feel from your writing is just excellent. :slight_smile: I like Ellie and Ruby as friends, it’s just what Ellie needs. :slight_smile: WHAT?!?! Darryl and May dancing, REALLY? I want Darryl happy but not with that durty bird May. :angry: Crazy vegetable lady sounds perfect. Oh what a surprise Amber is city leader, let the chaos begin, HAHAHA.

Chapter 23; What Mega Knew: Darryl has a spring in his step over that skank! :angry: Gel and Creg eating each others faces, I am happy for Gel. But I don’t think Creg is as nice as he seems? It was nice she referred to Trudy as her ‘best friend’ and only matters later she has managed to upset Trudy, HAHA. Eugh Lex is just vile, him and May deserve each other. About time Lex opened his mouth about their missing friends, I was so gripped. So glad I have a couple more chapters ahead to read today. :slight_smile: God would Jay and Amber just break up already. This must be the start of Sammy’s story you were mentioning?

Chapter 24; Beginnings: Yeah Arto is back! :slight_smile: I am glad Salene is going, it is funny she is going after my earlier comment, she is back standing up to the boat owner and Lex. Nice one with Bonnie and Lottie with the sleeping bag, introducing Bonnie into this younger group is just what was needed. I also like the groupings you have chosen. :slight_smile: Oh the mysterious Plague, this is really finding it’s feet now with storyline. Everything is just perfect.

Chapter 25: Mixed Messages: I was gripped from the start when you said it was a very focused Darryl chapter. Love that you are a big Darryl fan, you do him justice. May acting suspicious, just get rid, LOL. I am really feeling for Ellie, she feels so lost. It’s good she has Ruby. :slight_smile: What an ending with Jack, I want to read more but that’s enough for today. Thank you for keeping the dream alive.

@Timberwolf Oh hey! That’s so weird, I was just thinking of you last week. I was reading one of my old fics that you requested and was wondering if you were still around in the fandom. Lovely to see you!

@Zwenja Yay! Gel gets a bit more development in the next few chapters before we switch to the rest of the tribe. And I think you’re ultimately right about Ruby and Amber, but that will be explored too. I think Trudy has some thoughts about it in the next chapter.

Hoping to catch up with All Of Me soon!

@Jack Gel and Creg are totally making up for lost time, haha!

Confession time… the initial couple this fic was supposed to concentrating on was drum roll Darryl and May (hence the ‘Day’ in the title)! However, it hasn’t quite gone according to plan. Who knows what will happen?!

I love how contradictory Gel can be. Glad you picked up on that! And yep, this is the start of Sammy trying to prove himself and find his place in the Mallrats.

I’m going to have to find a bigger role for Arto, aren’t I?! Yes, Salene definitely still has that fire, even if she has been a little distracted by Jay. Glad you like the groupings and where things are heading. It took a while to establish the setting but things definitely get more intense from here on in. Thank you. :grinning:

I feel Darryl is almost a part of me after playing him for so long in the Mallrats thread! :rofl: So he’s definitely a favourite. Also I like the idea of taking minor characters and giving them extra depth. I was disappointed with their storylines in the books.

Thanks so much for your lovely comments everyone.

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@MallRatMatt :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face: I am in shock.

Gel is a character I love so couldn’t help but notice, very her. Maybe you will change people’s opinion on Sammy.

Yes, Arto must get a bigger role. He is the one for Trudy. :heart: I am very happy Salene has her fire back. I like intense, so I am pumped.

Hoping to see you and @Patsy active in MR soon. The more Darryl from you the better. You are definitely doing a good job with giving characters depth. I was so pissed off at the end of book 2, let’s not go there.

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You too, and same here! I was actually re-reading both Resistance stories. I completely forgot I originally requested Kaden to be tall, or that I based him off of Tarzan at the time, because I changed his appearance some since then in some little un-posted fanfic novellas I did of The Tribe (5’5, short hair, still muscular, what would happen if Jack was a fighter-type). I wasn’t sure if there was anyone else in the fandom anymore, but seeing your story here inspires me to go ahead and post it (that is after I proof-read them for the umpteenth time)!

I pretty much prefer how you write Gel and Darryl compared to the canon books.


The books actually shoved Gel and Darryl just into the bin, alongside Jay. Though I never liked him in the series it was just plain unworthy of the character to kill him off that way. Gel and Darryl were just mentioned on the sideline. Of course in battles death are normal and to show the hard facts, many writers just mention deaths like a sum up. For example in Harry Potter in the final battle when Harry sees Remus and Tonks dead. No one even told him, for all are more shocked about Fred’s death and Mourning him. But we get Harry’s shock, we can literally feel how his heart that has already suffered so much, shatters another time. But in the tribe books it is Ebony just walking through and kind of summing up deaths. In concerns of showing emotions Penn is not a very talented writer. Sadly. For the series was always high on emotional stuff.

Back to topic on hand… I sensed you wanted to let things turn around May/Darryl. I always do that too. I have one up to three couples/relations around all is playing.


Yes, do post them! I’d love to read them.

And I guess I should finish off the Resistance series at some point too…

On a side note, I will say that even before A New World I did like the pairing of Darryl/Salene. He could make her smile, laugh and happy, and she would defend him, but Darryl/May is good too.

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@Timberwolf - Yes, that would have been an interesting pairing! It would have been nice to have seen how that would have played out. But alas…

Anyway, here’s the next chapter and the plot is thickening!

Chapter 29: What’s In A Name?

The journey to the mall was an awkward one. Link was glad that Spinner had seen the sense in not telling Cable about what was going on, but why did she have to insist on coming with them? Apparently she had business at the mall herself, though she wouldn’t say what it was; Ruby didn’t seem any the wiser either, though it was clearly bothering her that she didn’t know. Sometimes Link thought Spinner just enjoyed stringing people along. Hearing a sigh beside her, she turned and smiled in what she hoped was a sympathetic way at Ruby. The Mallrat was the only one of the three not encumbered by a bio-suit, since Spinner had commandeered one of the ones she had fetched from the store and had insisted on leaving at once, so there had been no time to go back for another.

‘It’s probably better that she found out,’ Link told the Mallrat. ‘She’s much better at this kind of examination than I am.’

Ruby looked unconvinced. ‘Do you trust her?’ she asked. ‘Will she keep quiet about this?’

‘Oh yes,’ Link replied. ‘She can keep a secret.’ I have no choice but to trust her. If only I hadn’t been on duty that day! Ruby gave her a questioning look but she escaped answering by joining Spinner in walking ahead. ‘Can’t we go any faster?’ she asked her fellow Technician.

‘Relax,’ Spinner said. ‘It’s best to approach these things with a clear head; rushing about won’t help matters. I doubt there’s anything to worry about anyway, if you’re going to poison a whole tribe you don’t do it in such an inefficient way.’

‘How can you be so sure?’

‘Just call it a gut instinct.’ Spinner patted her stomach with a gloved fist, then frowned as she hit something hard. Link stiffened; she had forgotten all about the disc she had taken from the store. Why did it have to be Spinner who picked that suit? Spinner’s eyes looked the closest to fear she had ever seen them as she took out the CD case. ‘Tell me this isn’t what I think it is,’ she said.

‘I can explain everything!’ she pleaded.

Spinner quickly looked back towards Ruby, then put her head closer to Link’s. ‘What is it doing here?’ she demanded in an angry whisper.

‘I had to take it out,’ Link replied, also whispering. ‘Cable’s been snooping around in Storage 12.’

‘He knows!’ Again that fear in Spinner’s eyes.

‘I don’t think he does, Spinner. I don’t think he knew why he was there, or what he was looking for.’

Spinner sighed, clearly relieved. ‘You did the right thing, Link,’ she said. ‘I’ll keep hold of this.’ She put the CD back where she had found it.

‘There’s something else,’ she said hesitantly. ‘I think for a moment he didn’t know who I was.’ She looked for a reaction from Spinner but couldn’t read the expression on the other girl’s face. ‘What do we do?’

You’re not going to do anything,’ Spinner said, sounding as if she had decided on a course of action. ‘Except tell Tag to be on his guard. I’ll sort things out with Cable. Somehow.’

‘Just don’t do anything stupid,’ she warned. Spinner just looked at her, then gave a twitch of her head to signify that she should go back to Ruby. Link gave a sigh of frustration but acquiesced. I have to trust her , she thought.

‘What was all that about?’ Ruby asked.

‘Just…Technician stuff,’ she replied. Ruby looked hurt. ‘I really can’t tell you,’ she added apologetically. ‘But it has nothing to do with the trouble at the mall, I promise you.’

The Mallrat’s face softened. ‘We all have our secrets,’ she said. Link smiled, grateful that her friend understood.

‘Why are the streets so quiet?’ Spinner asked as they approached the mall. Link looked around and realised she was right. For this time of day there was hardly anyone out in Sector 10 and it had been getting worse the closer they came to the mall.

‘We had a run-in with the Skinks,’ Ruby explained. ‘They didn’t want any witnesses around.’

‘Is everyone alright?’ Link asked.

Ruby nodded. ‘It was all over by the time Ellie and I got back from…where we were.’ We do all have our secrets , Link thought wryly.

‘It seems they did you a favour,’ Spinner said. ‘Nobody’s around to see this body of yours.’

‘You wouldn’t be saying that if you’d been there,’ was all Ruby would say in reply. Link glared at Spinner’s back for her insensitivity.

As she entered the mall, Ruby saw that Amber had not been idle while she had been gone. A rope barrier prevented any petitioner who came in from crossing the main court, instead forcing them to go the long way round to the City Leader’s office. She ducked under it and Link and Spinner followed awkwardly, their movements hampered by the suits they were wearing. Approaching the fountain they came across the body, lying under a pink blanket with only the legs visible. Gel was there too, sitting on her heels a short distance away.

‘Oh. Ruby, hi,’ she said, her cheeks colouring slightly as she stood up. ‘I know it’s silly, I just didn’t think he’d want to be alone.’

Ruby blinked in surprise. Compassion from Gel? Wonders would never cease. ‘We’ll take it from here,’ she said, putting her hand on the other girl’s arm. Gel nodded and went back to her room, looking half relieved and half embarrassed. Meanwhile the two Technicians had wasted no time in setting up their equipment and Link was in the process of removing the blanket which, it was now apparent, had been placed there by Gel. Suddenly the blonde-haired Technician froze and let out a gasp that was audible even through the hood of her bio-suit. ‘What is it?’ she asked, but Link wasn’t listening. ‘Link?’

‘Spinner?’ Link said hesitantly, then more firmly. ‘Spinner!’

The other Technician looked at the body. She showed no sign that she had seen whatever Link had, but she fixed her colleague with a stern glare. ‘Don’t,’ she warned.

‘But Spinner, it’s…’

‘It makes no difference!’ Spinner snapped. ‘Now keep quiet, I need to be able to concentrate fully if I’m going to do this.’

Link obeyed, but Ruby suspected it was more because she was still in shock than for fear of Spinner. The cogs turned in her mind; so, they knew the poor boy did they? That almost certainly made him an ex-Techno. Surely this was proof that Plague had also been behind the deaths of the girl Elsa and the two Technos she and May had found in the alleyway last week. Her thoughts turned to the man - she thought it had been a man at least - who had attacked her and Darryl the day she had gone to examine those bodies, only to find that they had gone. What if that had been Plague? What if she had disturbed him in the process of moving the bodies? ‘I could have been killed!’ she said aloud. The two Technicians looked at her. Link’s expression held sympathy, Spinner’s amusement.

‘I think not,’ the more senior Technician replied. She uncorked a small bottle and tipped a tiny amount of purple crystals into a tube filled a quarter of the way with water. She stirred the mixture until the crystals had dissolved, turning the water pink, then took a swab from the inside of the dead man’s cheek with a cotton bud and swirled it around in the tube. Almost immediately the pink faded and the mixture became clear. She stoppered the tube and set it down in a rack with another she had already done, the mixture inside having a faint yellow tinge. ‘See? He didn’t have the Virus,’ she said, removing her hood. ‘And there are no contagious elements in the body. In fact, despite being a little undernourished he’s in perfect health.’

‘Perfect health?! He’s dead!’ Link spat. ‘Don’t you care?’

‘Getting upset won’t help anybody,’ Spinner shrugged, unzipping and stepping out of her suit. ‘Least of all him. Now, I’m sure I can leave you to finish the tests. He’s safe to handle. I have other business to see to, is Ellie in the mall?’

‘She’s around somewhere,’ Ruby answered. What does Spinner want with Ellie?

Spinner nodded. ‘Good. I need to speak with her.’ She stood, then addressed Link once more. ‘Remember,’ she said. ‘It’ll be easier if you keep quiet.’ Ruby didn’t think she was talking about completing the tests.

As Spinner left to go and find Ellie, Ruby was glad of the chance to quiz Link about what she knew. ‘You recognised him, didn’t you?’ she asked.

Link didn’t look round as she set up the laptop and started to connect electrodes to various parts of the body. ‘You heard Spinner, Ruby,’ she said in reply. ‘I can’t talk right now. I’m sorry.’ Ruby sighed. Another time. As she watched Link continuing with her tests she felt someone tugging at her arm and looked down to see Bonnie staring up at her, biting her lip worriedly.

‘Bonnie, you shouldn’t be here,’ she said. ‘What’s the matter?’ She took the girl’s hand and led her a little way off from the body, so she wouldn’t have to see it.

‘That note, in the power cut,’ Bonnie said. ‘Someone gave it to me outside.’

‘That’s right,’ Ruby replied. ‘Have you remembered something about him?’ Bonnie shook her head.

‘You told Amber that you found it in the grille, but you didn’t. Why did you lie?’

Ruby knelt down to explain. ‘Sometimes,’ she said, then paused to think. ‘Sometimes the truth can hurt people, so you tell a small lie to protect them. Amber was very cross earlier,’ She made a mental note to have words with Amber at some point about that. ‘And if she thought you knew about the note she might have been cross with you too. It doesn’t matter who found the note, and there was no point getting you into trouble, so I said it was me.’

Bonnie frowned, thinking it over. ‘So you’re saying that sometimes it’s okay to lie?’

Ruby grimaced, trying to think of what her mother would have told her at this age. Instead all she could say was, ‘Sort of.’

Bonnie shook her head disbelievingly. ‘My brother said that too,’ she said sadly. ‘I don’t believe it.’ Ruby didn’t know much about the younger girl’s past, but she had heard that her old tribe had all been taken by the Technos; she must miss her brother terribly. She tried to give a comforting look, and abruptly Bonnie patted her on the arm. ‘Don’t worry Ruby, everything will be alright,’ she said, then skipped away happily. Ruby shook her head in confusion. Perhaps it was just as well she wasn’t having a child of her own just yet. With a sigh she straightened and dusted off her skirt, then walked back over to where Link was. The Technician had removed her protective suit and was kneeling by the body, brushing the dead boy’s unruly hair away from his face with her fingers. She had her back turned but Ruby could tell that she was crying. Going over to her, she put a hand on her shoulder, then knelt down to join her on the floor.

‘You must have known him pretty well,’ she said. Link looked at her, then at the floor, the look on her face showing she was clearly struggling between wanting to talk and following Spinner’s orders. Eventually she sighed and began to talk, but for once Ruby didn’t care about solving her puzzle. She was more concerned about Link.

‘He was a Techno,’ her friend confirmed. ‘We weren’t especially close, but we were friends. He went missing a while back, but nobody really knew why and nobody cared enough to ask questions. He just vanished.

‘What was he called?’ Ruby asked.

Link shook her head. ‘That’s the worst part!’ she replied, tears falling down her cheeks. ‘In the Technos he went by Relay, but I don’t know his real name. Isn’t that terrible? We worked together all that time and I never even asked him his name. I don’t think any of the Technicians know it.’ Ruby took her hand off Link’s shoulder, then jumped when the Technician suddenly grabbed her wrist. ‘Don’t let that happen to me!’ she pleaded. ‘I don’t want to die as a Techno. My name is Lian; remember that, Ruby! My name is Lian!’

‘It’s alright,’ Ruby said, hugging her friend. ‘It’s alright. I won’t forget.’ Plague was going to pay for this.

‘Ellie? Oh, hello Jack.’

Jack mentally tensed. Who was that? Something familiar tugged at his memory; desperately he tried to remember when he had last heard that melodious voice. That was one thing about being in this state; he had become much more adept at using his senses of smell and hearing. That voice, and the faint smell of chemicals and almost clinical cleanliness, like a hospital. His mind wandered back to the last time he had experienced those sensations. He remembered Ellie humming, and the smell of candle smoke, then a sing-song voice and that clean smell emerging through the smoke. Of course. It was Spinner.

‘Still no change I see,’ the Technician noted. He felt her fingers on his neck, checking his pulse. ‘A good strong heartbeat though.’ She must have felt it quicken, as she laughed and said, ‘Don’t worry. I’m a friend, remember?’ Are you? he thought. She must have leaned closer to him; the chemical smell was almost overpowering. ‘Everything is ready,’ she said. ‘I just need the final go-ahead from Ellie and I’ll have you right as rain again in no time. I promise.’ He heard her move towards the door. ‘Rest well!’ he heard her say, then she was gone. Inwardly he panicked, trying to open his eyes as he had before. This time, however, that solitary successful attempt did not give him hope; instead the memory of it taunted him, and after a few unsuccessful tries he gave up, no longer having the will to continue. Not for the first time he thought he would have been better off if the Zoot computer had killed him like it had Mega.

Suddenly he felt the presence of somebody else in the room. Was it Spinner back again? He listened carefully. Yes, those were definitely footsteps, but stealthy ones, as if whoever it was didn’t want him to know they were there. But why would anybody want to do that? The scent of Spinner still invaded his nostrils, so he couldn’t tell if it was her or somebody else, but whoever it was certainly wasn’t here to plump his pillows for him. He took back his earlier thought about the Zoot computer and hoped he hadn’t just wished death upon himself. He wasn’t ready to die yet, he knew that now. Not that he could stop anybody who tried to kill him, not in his present… Ouch! He felt a small flash of pain at his scalp and his eyes shot open. A shadow passed across his vision as a hand moved away from his head, but with his eyes fixed firmly straight ahead at the ceiling he could see no more. Had someone just…pulled his hair? His eyes slid shut again and he screamed with frustration inside his head. After a while he heard the culprit moving, cautiously at first, and then leave the room. It could have been one of the kids playing a trick , he thought, but didn’t dare believe it to be the truth. Instead he concentrated on the two things he knew for certain: that he wasn’t ready to die, and that he never wanted to wear a headset ever again. With renewed motivation he tried once again to move, and this time he kept on trying.

Trudy sat alone in the café once again, reflecting on the morning’s events. It had certainly been an eventful one. First the Skinks and now a death in the mall; it had taken ages to settle Lottie and Bonnie down, and their crying had made Brady upset as well, she had only just now managed to get her back to sleep. And if that wasn’t bad enough there was tension within the tribe itself, with May just about turning the air to ice whenever she was in the same room as Darryl, and the looks she gave Amber weren’t much better. Ordinarily she would have been thankful that Amber hadn’t noticed, but the only reason for that was that the tribe leader had been engaged in her own glaring match with Ruby! She had her suspicions as to why those two didn’t get on, but perhaps if she had a word with Amber she could smooth things over, and maybe even get her to explain things to May. That would solve both problems. She frowned; or maybe she should just bang all their heads together! It was frustrating having to play mediator in her own tribe, especially when there were more important things to worry about, such as half the tribe being away at the same time there were threats of attack from both the Skinks and this mysterious Plague. She wished Salene were here; she’d get the others to see sense in no time. But there was no-one else; Ellie had enough on her plate looking after Jack, and Gel would probably just make things worse. No, she would have to sort it out herself.

‘Mind if I join you?’ a voice asked, tearing her from her thoughts. She looked up to see Creg and motioned to the chair opposite her.

‘Be my guest,’ she replied. ‘How’s Gel?’

‘Sleeping,’ he said as he sat down. ‘She’s had a rough time, poor thing. Well we all have, I know, but she’s not hardened to it like the rest of us. Anyway I thought I’d catch a break while I could, same as you I imagine. How’s Brady?’

‘I just got her off to sleep,’ she replied. ‘She doesn’t know what’s going on, but she can see that everyone’s upset and she doesn’t like it.’

Creg shook his head. ‘This is no world to raise a child in,’ he said. ‘The little ones pick up on these things. Do you ever wonder if it’ll affect her later on? Growing up in all this?’

‘All the time,’ she said. ‘But we do what we can to make sure they feel safe and loved, and know right from wrong. Beyond that all we can do is hope.’

‘We do what we can,’ he agreed sadly.

She studied him for a while over her fingertips, then said, ‘Do you mind if I ask you a question?’

Creg spread his hands wide to show he was open to the suggestion. ‘Fire away!’ he said.

‘Okay, but please don’t take this the wrong way,’ she said defensively.

‘I’ll try not to,’ he smiled.

‘It’s just that…guys like you, well in my experience they tend to go for girls like Amber or Ebony.’ Usually both , a voice at the back of her head said, but she pushed the thought away.

‘And you think I’m going to hurt Gel,’ Creg said dryly.

‘Oh no! Nothing like that!’ she spluttered, waving her arms in protest. ‘I know you’re no Lex. It’s just…I’m curious, that’s all.’

‘Ah, you don’t know what I see in her,’ he realised. She blushed; put that way, it did sound rather rude. ‘Let me ask you something Trudy,’ he said. ‘Aren’t you tired of all this? All the fighting? All the politics?’

She nodded. ‘Of course I am. We all are.’

‘Well with Gel it’s like none of it is happening,’ he said. ‘I’m not saying she doesn’t know what’s going on, but she doesn’t let it get to her. She talks about hair and make-up and clothes, and I don’t understand a word of it but it’s so wonderfully normal! She acts her age, not twenty years older, and she trusts, Trudy! She actually still trusts!’ He shook his head in disbelief.

‘Trust can be dangerous these days,’ she said, far too quickly, and blushed again. There was really no need to be so defensive.

‘I can protect her,’ he said simply. She fought back the urge to tell him how lucky Gel was to have him; she didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. Sure he was good-looking and strong and…she stopped herself from carrying on the list. There was no point. For one thing he seemed perfectly happy with Gel, and for another…well, he never seemed completely comfortable around the little ones, and she didn’t think she could ever love a man who wouldn’t get on with Brady. Love? Where did that come from?

‘I should be going,’ he said, his chair scraping on the floor as he rose. ‘I want to be there when she wakes up. Thanks for talking.’ She smiled and mumbled something noncommittal, then watched as he made his way back to Gel’s room.

‘What do you make of him?’

Trudy felt as if she had jumped a foot in the air; she hadn’t noticed anybody else approach. What was wrong with her today? The body. It must be that, or the Skinks earlier. She must still be feeling jumpy from them. Looking up she smiled at Amber as the other girl sat down. ‘Well Gel certainly seems to like him,’ she replied. ‘And I’m glad he was here when the Skinks showed up. Beyond that I don’t really know that much about him.’

Amber frowned thoughtfully. ‘I’ve been thinking about security in the mall,’ she said. ‘With Lex and the others gone we’re weak, we saw that today. If the Skinks decide to attack after all, or Plague…’ Her mouth tightened; clearly she hadn’t yet forgiven Ellie and Ruby for keeping Plague a secret. ‘I’m going to suggest to the others that we invite Creg to stay, to help with security. He’s here most of the time anyway, and we could use the extra muscle. What do you think? Can we trust him?’

‘I don’t think he particularly cares about the tribe,’ she replied. ‘But he might stay for Gel.’

Amber nodded. ‘I suppose that’s the best we can hope for,’ she said. ‘Best to keep an eye on him then. We can make May head of security until Lex gets back, and Creg can be her deputy.’

‘May? Do you think that’s wise? She does tend to do her own thing.’

‘We’ll make sure she gives regular reports,’ Amber replied. ‘To Darryl I think, and he can pass on the important stuff to me.’ Trudy winced. She didn’t think Darryl or May would like that, but she could see the sense in it. ‘Of course we’ll have to make Creg a Mallrat,’ her friend continued. ‘Lex will have a fit when he finds out we’ve voted on it without him but it has to be done.’

‘Creg wasn’t the only one to stand up to the Skinks,’ a small voice suddenly said. Trudy wished people would stop sneaking up on her today. At least Amber had also been startled this time. Bonnie looked up at them both expectantly.

‘You and Lottie were very brave too,’ the tribe leader smiled. Bonnie looked at her as if she were stupid.

‘I wasn’t talking about myself,’ the little girl sulked. ‘I was talking about Darryl. He tried to stop the Skinks from getting through to your office. Creg only got here at the end.’

Trudy refrained from telling her that it was only the end because Creg had made it the end. Amber, however, looked thoughtful. ‘He did?’ she said, presumably referring to Darryl. ‘I’ll have to thank him. Thank you for telling me, Bonnie.’ Bonnie just stood there, biting her lip.

‘Was there something else you wanted to tell us?’ Trudy asked, trying to coax whatever was on her mind out of her.

Bonnie hesitated for a moment then said to Amber, ‘You shouldn’t have been so mean to Ruby and Ellie!’

Amber scrunched up her face in distaste. ‘They shouldn’t have kept something so important from…the rest of us,’ she said.

‘But they were only trying to help!’ the younger Mallrat persisted. ‘You won’t really throw them out, will you?’ The poor girl looked distraught.

‘Not if they’ve told me everything,’ Amber replied, after a hesitation that confirmed to Trudy that it was an idle threat. ‘Now I won’t hear any more on the subject, is that clear? This is between me and Ruby.’ Trudy gave a small cough. ‘And Ellie,’ Amber added with a blush. Bonnie narrowed her eyes and began to stalk off, then turned back.

‘Would you have told me and Lottie what was going on if we hadn’t been there when it happened?’ she asked. Receiving no reply she gave a satisfied nod, seeming confident that she had proven her point about Ruby, then left the café.

‘Well she’s certainly got a bee in her bonnet about something,’ Amber muttered sulkily.

Trudy hid a smile. ‘That makes two of you then,’ she said.

Her friend gave her a questioning look. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Oh come on Amber, you and Ruby? Bonnie’s right, you were far too hard on her earlier, and now you’ve gone and got Ellie caught up in the middle of it, as if she didn’t have enough to worry about with Jack lying up there.’

‘They put us all in danger, Trudy. They shouldn’t have kept this to themselves.’

‘One day wouldn’t have made much of a difference,’ Trudy sighed. ‘Do you know what I think? I think you and Ruby are very similar, and that’s why you’re getting on each other’s nerves. She’s used to being independent, that’s all. Just give her time to settle into the tribe and everything will sort itself out, I’m sure of it.’ Amber looked unconvinced. ‘And while I see your point about them keeping quiet I do think Ellie and Ruby made the right decision. Can you honestly say that you could have coped with the news at the time, with Lex and the others gone and city business coming out of your ears? You’ve been so much happier since Darryl’s started helping you out with that.’

‘Darryl,’ Amber mused. ‘I still need to thank him for today.’ Trudy opened her mouth to speak but Amber cut her off. ‘Alright, I’ll talk to Ruby as well,’ she said in a suffering tone, but the smile at the end told Trudy it was meant in jest, and that Amber really would try and sort things out with Ruby.

‘Before you go,’ she said as Amber made ready to move. ‘There’s something I should probably tell you about Darryl. And May.’

‘What about them?’

‘Well…it’s complicated. They’re not really together as such, but May’s upset because she thinks you and Darryl are having an affair, and…’

‘But they’re not together?’ Amber interrupted.

‘Well, no, but…’

‘Then there’s no problem, is there?’ she said defensively. ‘It’s none of May’s business what Darryl and I are or aren’t doing.’ Rising, she pushed the chair under the table angrily and Trudy grimaced as it scraped noisily against the floor. ‘And it’s none of yours either!’

‘Amber, wait!’ Trudy called to her friend apologetically, but she had already gone. She buried her head in her arms on the tabletop and groaned. She thought she had done well, persuading her to talk to Ruby, but she had made a serious error in telling her about May. She should have realised sooner. Darryl’s help and friendship had certainly cheered Amber up over the last day or two; it was no wonder she had developed feelings for him, and now that she knew about May she was determined to fight for him. She considered saying something to May, or perhaps Darryl, but decided against it. She didn’t want to make things any worse than she already had.

‘Ah, there you are!’

Ellie winced as she noticed Spinner walking towards her and half considered turning back, even though there was no way to pass it off as anything but avoidance. After the tongue-lashing Amber had just given her she was in no mood to talk to anybody, least of all one of the Technicians, but since it was too late to escape…

‘Hello Spinner,’ she said, forcing a smile. ‘Have you been looking for me?’

‘Bad day?’ the Technician asked. Ellie pulled a face at not being able to hide her mood. ‘Well, no wonder,’ Spinner continued. ‘I hear it’s been a rather eventful day here at the mall. I’ve just seen Jack, such a shame he hasn’t shown any sign of improvement yet.’

Ellie blinked at the sudden change of subject. Clearly Spinner wasn’t one for pleasantries.

‘You’re not making me feel any better,’ she said dryly. ‘What was it you wanted?’

Spinner looked confused for a moment. ‘Why, for Jack to get better of course!’ she smiled. ‘Have you forgotten my offer already? I have all the equipment ready now, all you have to do is say the word.’

‘Oh,’ Ellie mumbled. ‘I guess with everything that’s happened today it slipped my mind.’

‘You don’t sound convinced anymore,’ Spinner said. ‘Are you having second thoughts? It’s perfectly natural of course, but…’

‘I just don’t want to do anything to harm him,’ she interrupted. ‘Is it going to work?’

‘I can’t give you any guarantees,’ the Technician admitted. ‘But for what it’s worth I think there’s a very good chance. Since his condition was brought on by using a headset it should be easier to reverse it the same way than if it had happened to him by some natural means, and given his lack of response to the exercises I prescribed I really do think this is our best option.’

Ellie nodded slowly. ‘Alright then,’ she said. ‘You’ve convinced me. Besides, I want him back.’ I need him back! a voice in her head echoed.

Spinner nodded graciously. ‘I’ll bring everything over tomorrow morning,’ she said.

‘What…what exactly will it involve?’ Ellie asked tentatively, not sure if she really wanted to know.

‘I really have to get back to the power station,’ Spinner replied apologetically. ‘But if you walk with me to the exit I’ll try and explain as much as I can.’

Ellie nodded, and tried to walk as slowly as possible as they made their way to the stairs.

Ruby smiled as Link dried her eyes again with a self-deprecating laugh. ‘Look at me,’ the Technician joked. ‘I came here to help you and now you’re the one comforting me.’

‘You’ve had a shock,’ she said warmly. ‘Probably an even bigger one than the rest of us. You weren’t expecting to see your friend again. Certainly not like this.’

Link glanced at Relay’s body and shivered, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath to regain her composure. ‘Whoever did this is going to be sorry,’ she said when she opened her eyes again.

‘We’ll make sure of it,’ Ruby agreed.

‘If you find anything out, let me know,’ Link pleaded. ‘And if there’s anything I can do to help track this monster down.’

‘Well actually,’ Ruby said slowly. ‘There might be something.’

‘Anything,’ Link reiterated. ‘Just tell me.’

‘I think whatever Plague’s up to, he’s using captured Technos to do it. Relay hasn’t been the first but hopefully he can be the last. If you can find out anything about Technos who disappeared, maybe we can find some sort of pattern.’

Link looked suddenly uneasy. ‘I don’t think I can do that Ruby,’ she said. ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t have access to that kind of information.’

‘I would never ask you to put yourself in danger, Link,’ Ruby pointed out. ‘But if you could just…’

‘I’m sorry,’ Link repeated. ‘I can’t help you.’

Ruby opened her mouth to ask why her friend had suddenly changed her mind - there must be more to it, she thought - but she was cut off by the return of Spinner, followed by Ellie.

‘And that’s the simplest explanation I can give you,’ Spinner was saying. ‘It’s more complicated than that, but it gives you the general idea. Do you understand?’

‘I think so,’ Ellie replied. ‘Well, more than I did before at least. Thank you.’

‘So I’ll see you tomorrow then?’ the Technician asked; Ellie nodded. ‘Good! Then I think it’s time for us to leave. Are you ready Link?’

‘Yes,’ Link replied tersely. ‘What kept you?’ Spinner raised an eyebrow but said nothing, and before long the two Technicians had packed up their stuff and were heading out of the mall.

‘What was that all about?’ Ellie asked. ‘Link looked really upset.’

‘It’s a long story,’ Ruby frowned. ‘And I haven’t quite got to the bottom of it yet. Do you fancy a coffee?’

‘Absolutely!’ Ellie smiled. ‘You can fill me in on everything.’

‘And you can tell me what Spinner wanted from you,’ Ruby said. Ellie grimaced, but nodded.

A knock on the doorframe drew Darryl’s attention away from the papers he was studying.

‘Yeah?’ he called idly, tossing the papers onto his bed.

‘Ah, good,’ Amber said as she stepped inside. ‘I was hoping to catch you on your own.’

Darryl leapt up from where he was sitting and grabbed the discarded papers in an effort to look busy. ‘Amber!’ he said, startled. ‘I haven’t finished going through them yet, but I’ll have them to you as soon as…’

Amber laughed, cutting him off. ‘Forget about those for now,’ she said. ‘That’s not why I’m here.’ She pulled the curtain over the door and he frowned in confusion. Then she started moving towards him. She came so close that he instinctively took a step back, and it was only her hand on his arm that prevented him from retreating further. He could smell her soap.

‘What…’ he gulped. ‘What was it that you wanted?’

‘Bonnie told me what you did today,’ she said, looking up at him intently. He looked away and tried not to think of the rise and fall of her chest a few centimetres away from his own.

‘Wh-what did I do?’ he asked. And what did Bonnie have to do with it? ‘If I’ve done something wrong I’ll make it up to you, I promise!’ May would never respect him if he lost this job so soon after starting it.

Amber’s lips - he tried to stop himself thinking about them - twitched in a smile. ‘You haven’t done anything wrong,’ she reassured him. ‘Far from it. Bonnie said that when the Skinks arrived you tried to protect me, tried to block their way.’

‘Oh,’ he said, finally realising what she was talking about. ‘Well, I…that is to say, I was…erm…it was my job. I was just…’

She put a finger over his lips to silence him and he trailed off. ‘It was very brave of you,’ she said. ‘And I just wanted to say…Well, I just wanted to…’ She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. ‘Thank you,’ she smiled, the twinkle in her eye as she turned to leave confirming, if he had had any doubts, that this was anything but a simple thank you. ‘Let me see those petitions when you’ve finished reading through them,’ she added on her way out, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. Darryl just stood there, wide-eyed, wondering if he was dreaming, and hoping that May never found out about what had just happened.

As they left the mall, Link found herself being grabbed by Spinner and hurried into an alleyway. ‘What did you tell her?’ the other Technician spat. ‘I thought I told you to keep quiet!’

‘I didn’t tell her anything she didn’t already know,’ she said. ‘They’ve found others, Spinner. Ruby told me, and I’d bet my life they’re all Unit 12.’

‘Don’t you ever say that name again!’ Spinner hissed, and Link felt the grip on her arm tightening. ‘I’m not having everything I’ve worked for - everything we’ve worked for - ruined by careless talk!

Link narrowed her eyes. ‘You’re not surprised!’ she accused. ‘You knew! You knew there’d been other murders and you said nothing! That’s why you wanted to come, isn’t it? Don’t you think Tag and I have a right to know what’s going on? If Cable…’

‘I will deal with Cable,’ Spinner said slowly. ‘But the fewer who know about this, the easier it is to keep it quiet. I don’t want Ruby on my back because you and Tag have a new best friend.’

‘I’m not stupid!’ Link fumed. ‘And what do you think Tag would say? You can’t get more than a few words out of him at the best of times! You got us into this mess in the first place, Spinner. You should have included us, you owe us that much. Who was it? Who did they find?’

‘What difference would it make if you knew?’ Spinner asked, frustrated. ‘You’re in enough of a state already.’

‘And you don’t seem to be in enough of one!’ she cried. ‘These were supposed to be our teammates, Spinner, our friends! And I couldn’t even tell you Relay’s real name! It’s like the Technos turned us into these emotionless robots, and I don’t like it! I won’t be like that anymore!’

Spinner just stood there silently, unable to reply.

‘Ruaridh,’ she said after a while.


‘Ruaridh. Relay’s real name. It was Ruaridh. See? I’m not as cold as everyone seems to think I am, Link. But I’m not going to risk everything now, not when we’re starting to put it all behind us.’

‘Thank you,’ Link said, tearfully throwing her arms around Spinner, and receiving a hesitant pat on the back in return.

‘I’m scared, Link,’ Spinner whispered. ‘Whoever’s doing this, what if he knows?’

‘We don’t know that,’ she said, stepping back to face Spinner. ‘Everything seems to be concentrated on the Mallrats at the minute. Maybe it’s all just a coincidence?’

‘Maybe,’ Spinner said. ‘But I’m not going to bank on it.’

‘Ruby can help, Spinner. I’m sure of it.’

‘No.’ Spinner shook her head. ‘If she knows, the whole tribe will know, and that’s too many people who can talk.’


‘No, Link. We handle this ourselves. Now, let’s get back to the power station before Cable gets even more suspicious.’

As Spinner stalked off, Link sighed in frustration, with no choice but to follow.

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Spinner… :thinking: The ex Technos have a lot of issues there… My gut tells me I wouldn’t trust a bread to them :bread::joy:

Aww… Trudy… Uhuuu… That’s now interesting… That she thinks in those lines about Creg. But I hope she has learnt her lesson with the whole Jay episode! You don’t take a guy who loves someone else wriggles finger

And Amber :flushed: Can I slap her? Or can May do please? I am starting to dislike her… :triumph:

Who was in Jack’s room? :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed: Good he is fighting!

And I wonder… Who would have reason to go killing off ex Technos? Only someone who was really hurt by them… That gives ideas but I can’t picture any old Mall Rat going that way… Killing those and not showing him or herself to his or her friends.

Sorry can’t do very efficiently comments today… I am in writing Marathon since I deleted accidentally :roll_eyes:

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Thanks for the comments!

You’ll find out more about the Technicians very soon!

Amber is definitely going through a bit of a rebellious phase.

Also I managed to track down the face shots I was using for the new characters, didn’t realise I still had these!

Also some images of the power station, firstly the entry hall:


And the central generator room, with the offices along the walkway above and the gallery overlooking the lower floor (where the storage area is):



Oooo faces of the new characters, I am so pleased you found these and shared.

Bonnie is just how I imagined, she is adorable. I will enjoy reading her even more now.
Cable is quite nice actually, he is the new eye candy.
Spinner is nothing like I imagined, she is very pretty but also looks like a right cow. Lol.
Creg is not as hot as I hoped, average Joe. Canle is now the guy I will get excited over. :joy:

Wohoooo… I imagined Creg also wayyy hotter… Well just stay with my picture then :joy:

Spinner looks like the same type like Ebony… So now wonder Jay went for Miss Loco queen :eyes:

So you say Amber’s living out her lost puperty??? :joy::joy::joy:

Aww, poor Creg, lol! I remember getting excited about finding him as he was wearing Creg’s exact same top. I couldn’t not choose him after that!

These are by no means definitive, more a general guide to who I’m picturing - I’m not 100% happy with Link here but the rest are a fair approximation.

I’ve got a few more photos I might post later but these are for characters we haven’t met yet.

:joy: More that she’s pushing back against what’s expected of her (and what Jay has lumbered her with). After what happened to Ram she knows that life is short, and subconsciously the tricks of the Zoot computer are still affecting how she perceives Jay and what he thinks she should do.

Ooookay… I am all for it if it keeps away Mr Surferboy from her :joy::joy::joy: Though… Darryl sweet… But nowhere her style…

These next two chapters serve as a bit of a ‘finale’ (sort of) for the goings-on in the City before we join the rest of the tribe for a bit.

Chapter 30: The Brewing Storm

Early the next morning, just as the water on the horizon was beginning to sparkle with the first rays of the sun, a small, sombre party left the mall and made its way through the city streets. Link had set off even earlier from the power station to be there, so that she could pay her last respects to her former colleague and friend. In the unsurprising absence of Spinner, Ruby and Ellie walked on either side of her in a show of support, giving the occasional squeeze or sympathetic murmur along the way. Somewhat more surprisingly, Gel had wanted to come along as well, and she had roped Creg in to help carry the litter on which Relay’s body had been placed. Darryl completed the funeral party, in his eyes in his official capacity as Amber’s representative, but in reality because he was the only one who knew the way to Hope Park, where Mega and Ram had been buried. Ruby had pushed to have the funeral there, partly because it was a sensible location, but mostly so that she could visit Ram. She caught Ellie’s eye and winced at the pity she saw there; Ellie knew all too well that Link was not the only one who would be feeling emotional today.

‘I’m surprised Tag isn’t here with you,’ Ellie said to Link. ‘Or have they got him working on something he can’t get out of?’

Link shook her head. ‘I haven’t told him,’ she replied. ‘There didn’t seem much point. They didn’t know each other.’

‘But surely he’ll realise you’re upset?’ Ruby asked. ‘Shouldn’t you say something?’

‘He knows someone died yesterday,’ Link shrugged. ‘That’s enough. I don’t want to worry him with the details.’ Ruby and Ellie gave each other a look. None of our business, it said.

‘We’re here,’ Darryl announced from the front end of the litter; they had stopped outside the rusty gates that led to the park. Ruby began to feel a little apprehensive, knowing that behind them lay Ram’s grave - a place she had longed to visit for days, but also a place she feared, as, even though she knew he was dead, seeing it would mean that she had to accept it. Ellie must have sensed her unease because she quickly took charge, pushing open one of the gates, which shrieked in noisy protest, and leading the group inside to where the three still fresh-looking mounds of earth marked the burial plot. The two men gently lay down the funeral bier and Creg unstrapped the bundle of tools from his shoulders. He walked over to a clear spot, looked at Link, who nodded, took out a spade from the bundle and started digging. Darryl did the same, and Ellie and Gel started gathering wood to make a cross. Ruby felt Link grab her hand and she squeezed back just as hard, the two girls taking comfort from one another. By the time Relay was lowered into the grave, and the earth piled on top of him, dark clouds were beginning to roll in from the sea, matching the atmosphere of the cemetery.

‘Link, do you want to say anything?’ Ellie asked, placing the cross at the head of the grave. It read ‘Ruaridh’ - Link had remembered his name after all.

‘I…I don’t think I can,’ Link said sadly, shaking her head, her eyes glistening. ‘I’m sorry, I just can’t.’

‘That’s alright,’ Ruby said. ‘Let’s just stand quietly for a while, and you can remember him that way.’

Link smiled and nodded. ‘Thank you,’ she said.

‘Actually,’ Creg spoke up. ‘I’d like to say something. If…if that’s okay?’

Link looked surprised but nodded again. Creg put down his spade, stood by the grave and cleared his throat. ‘I know I didn’t know Ruaridh,’ he began, choosing his words. ‘And nor did most of us standing here this morning. But I think we all know who is responsible for this. I know things look bad now…and it looks like they might still get worse.’ He twisted his face in distaste. ‘But people like Plague, they don’t stay on top for long. For everything that he’s done, soon he’ll have to pay, and Ruaridh and everyone else he’s hurt will have justice. We just have to remember that.’ Ruby felt Link’s hand tighten around her own and she had to pull away. Turning to her friend, she saw that Link’s eyes were sparkling not only with tears but with anger.

‘He’s right,’ the Technician said through gritted teeth. ‘He’ll pay. I’ll make him pay.’

‘And us,’ Ruby agreed. ‘He owes the Mallrats too,’

Link walked unhearing towards the grave and Ruby went over to join Ellie. A low rumble of thunder rolled across the sky and large, fat raindrops slowly began to fall, leaving darker spots where they fell on the bare earth of the graves.

‘We should go back soon,’ Ellie said. ‘It feels like a storm heading in.’

Ruby nodded, then a strangled cry came from Link. It was not Relay’s grave she now knelt over, however; it was Elsa’s. Ellie and Ruby both ran over to her.

‘Link?’ Ruby asked. ‘Are you alright?’

The Technician stared wide-eyed and reached out to touch the cross bearing Elsa’s name. ‘Who is this?’ she whispered.

‘A Techno,’ Ellie replied. ‘Found murdered on the street after the evacuation. We think Plague was responsible for her death, too.’

Link gasped in shock and stood up, clenching her fists. ‘This…this changes everything,’ she said in a tight voice. ‘All this time…what they must have gone through. What I said before, about helping you? I’ll do it. I’ll do anything. He has to be stopped.’

Ruby looked at Ellie and saw the same questions in her eyes as she knew must be in hers. Ellie had mentioned that Jay and Spinner had talked about a group of missing Technos, and what Link was saying seemed to confirm this, but there was an air of secrecy about the whole thing. What was the full story? The pieces were beginning to come together, but they were starting to reveal a bigger picture than she had initially imagined. What Plague was doing now began to look like something that had been long in the planning, using captives taken during Ram’s leadership of the Technos. That made him an even more serious threat.

A gust of wind caught her coat and the rain started beating down more heavily. A short distance away Gel shivered in Creg’s arms as the wind passed her, and Darryl stood rubbing his arms.

‘Go with Ellie,’ she told Link. ‘Back to the mall. You can have a hot drink and talk about this some more. If you want to.’

Link nodded. ‘What about you?’

‘Ruby has something she needs to do first,’ Ellie replied, and Ruby smiled back gratefully.

‘I’ll see you back at the mall,’ she said, then watched as the rest of the party gathered up their tools and left the park. Gel and Darryl walked hurriedly, with Darryl trying to squeeze himself in under the small pink umbrella Gel had produced from somewhere when it started raining. Creg followed behind them, occasionally looking back curiously at Ruby. When everyone was out of sight she knelt carefully by Ram’s grave. The name on the cross, Gabe, reminded her of the obnoxious, germ-obsessed kid Slade had lumbered her with in Liberty, and whose secretive nature had so intrigued her. Over time, as she peeled back the layers of the man, she found herself growing attracted to his intellect, his wicked sense of humour, and the caring side he had shown to her that day at Java’s graveside, until…

‘Come with me,’ he said, standing at the top of the stairs in the Saloon, his bag packed and slung behind his back. She paused over the table she had been wiping down and looked at him. At the other end of the room Lottie was none too subtle as she stopped sweeping the floor and stood staring at them.

‘Me, fight Mega?’ she said, arching an eyebrow. ‘I don’t think so.’

‘You know that’s not what I meant,’ he said in a soft tone that sounded odd coming from him. ‘I’d…enjoy the company. For the journey, you know? It’s a long walk to the City.’

‘What about this place?’ she asked. ‘It’s not going to run itself.’

‘It can manage without you for a while,’ he replied simply.

‘Well I’d have to run it past my associate,’ she said. ‘What do you say Lottie? Fancy a trip to the City?’

But she had already made her decision, even before Lottie nodded her head excitedly.

That was the closest they had been to admitting their feelings to each other, that morning. She had never questioned him when they reached the City and he began spending all his time at the hotel; she knew his work would always come first. Not for the first time, however, she regretted never visiting him in those last few days.

Opening her belt pouch she took out the belt buckle she and Lottie had used at Ram’s memorial, dug into the top of the grave with her hands, and buried it there, smoothing the earth over afterwards.

‘Rest in peace, Ram,’ she said with a smile, then she stood up, brushed her knees and walked out of the park, shutting the gate behind her.

‘I miss Sammy!’ Lottie moaned as she entered Bonnie and Gel’s room. ‘It’s boring without him here.’ Bonnie, sitting on the floor, failed to take the hint and continued playing with her toys. ‘Where’s Gel today?’ she tried instead, sitting at the older Mallrat’s dressing table. Most of her make-up things were locked in a drawer, but a solitary lipstick had been left out on the table so Lottie started playing with it, removing the top and twisting the stick up and down.

‘At that guy’s funeral,’ Bonnie replied, still playing.

Lottie put the cap back on the lipstick, stuffed it in her pocket and swivelled in her chair. ‘What’d she go there for?’ she asked incredulously. Bonnie just shrugged; either she didn’t know or she didn’t care. Lottie pouted at the lack of attention, then started playing with her hair in front of the mirror. ‘Bonnie, when Gel and Creg get married, do you think we’ll get to be bridesmaids?’ Seeing the other girl’s stony stare in the mirror, she smirked. That certainly got her attention! ‘What are you doing anyway?’ she asked, looking at the toys. A doll attacking a dinosaur.

‘It’s those stupid Skinks!’ Bonnie cried, screwing up her face and throwing the dinosaur against the wall, where it bounced off with a pitiful squeak. Lottie watched appraisingly; Bonnie certainly had a good arm! ‘It’s like the Mozzies all over again!’ she said. ‘And I won’t have it! I wish we could get back at them somehow.’

Lottie grinned mischievously. ‘Maybe we can,’ she said.

Spinner frowned as she reread the report. Fuel supplies were beginning to run low at some of the substations, and power failures were occurring in the outlying sectors of the City. She shook her head and filed the report away; no matter how you looked at it, it pointed to only one thing: Cable was taking his eye off the ball. Though he made a good show of being in control whenever she went up to see him, the evidence was there, and she wasn’t the only one who had noticed; there were whispers among the Technicians that something was not right with their leader, and what Link had told her yesterday only confirmed it. Trying to ignore the situation, she busied herself with gathering together the equipment she needed for this morning’s visit to the mall, but every time she passed her desk her eyes fell upon the disc she had taken from Link. If she could be sure that Cable would remain unaware then Elsa’s death might have been the end of it, but now Relay had turned up dead as well. How many more? And if he was starting to snoop around, like Link said… She picked up the disc, turning it over in her hands. Technically speaking it was some of her best work, but how she wished she could turn the clock back…

She put her head down and carried on working as Java entered the room, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

‘Wise move!’ Ved laughed quietly beside her. ‘Looks like she’s in one of her moods again.’

‘Ram?’ Java hesitantly addressed her husband, who ignored her, engrossed as he was in the CCTV footage from the City.

‘Must have some bad news to deliver,’ Ved continued. ‘Man am I glad I’m not in her shoes right now!’ Spinner flashed him an angry look and kept on working. She didn’t want any trouble.

‘Ram?’ Java repeated, more loudly. Ram’s head shot up and he moved towards her, the speed of his wheelchair making the movement seem more abrupt after his stillness. Java took a step back. ‘Lord Ram, there’s still no sign of Jay and Ebony. Most of the units out looking for them have returned to base, but we lost contact with one of them. They’ve just…gone.’

‘What do you mean, gone?’ Ram edged closer the more Java tried to move away.

‘Their communications are all dead and they haven’t come back. Nobody’s seen anything of them since this morning. They’ve completely disappeared.’

‘Give me that!’ Ram snapped, snatching the folder Java was carrying. ‘Let’s see here, Unit 12…Relay, Data, Elsa, blah, blah, blah.’ Spinner froze at the familiar names. ‘Never heard of them. Just replace them with Unit 6 and get them out there again, I want Jay and Ebony found!’

‘But Ram, a whole Unit…’

‘Am I not making myself clear?!’ Ram shouted. The room went quiet for a split second before the click of computer keys started up again. ‘They’re expendable, now get back out there!’

Java hesitated just that little bit too long.


Spinner waited until Java had left and Ram had busied himself with something else before making her excuses and leaving. She had had to find Cable, but by the time she reached him he had already heard the news. He was devastated, of course; Elsa had been everything to him. Over the next few weeks he changed completely, withdrawing into himself more and more. It was like a light inside of him had gone out, but in reality he was silently stewing, until one day he finally snapped.

‘I’m going to kill him, Spinner!’ he roared as he barged past her in the corridor. If he hadn’t been so quiet since he’d found out, she would probably have let him walk it off, but the sudden change in his mood made her take him seriously.

‘Cable don’t be stupid!’ she pleaded, turning on her heels to follow him.

‘Ram is a monster!’ he yelled, striding ahead so she practically had to run to keep up. ‘He deserves to die a thousand times for what he’s done!’

‘It’s suicide!’ she argued, once more quickening her step. ‘You’ll never get out alive!’ She stopped suddenly as he wheeled around to face her.

‘I don’t care,’ he said, with a mad glint in his eyes. ‘Just as long as I take him down with me.’

Startled, she paused for a moment while her friend stormed off. She couldn’t leave him to it, but she couldn’t reason with him either, so she did the only thing she could think of to stop him. She charged her zapper and raised the setting. ‘This is for your own good,’ she muttered before flexing her wrist. He crumpled to the ground as soon as the pulse hit him.

She heard footsteps running down the corridor and two Technos, a man and a woman, appeared from around the corner.

‘What is it?’ the young man asked, his long black hair shaking with each footfall. ‘We thought we heard…’ his words trailed off as he saw Cable.

The woman put a hand to her mouth in shock. ‘Did you…? Is he…?’

‘He’s not dead,’ Spinner stated matter-of-factly. ‘Help me get him in here.’ She opened the nearest door, leading to a storeroom. The two Technos were too startled to argue and each grabbed a limb. It took all three of them to shift Cable’s dead weight into the store. Once they were inside, Spinner locked the door.

‘What have you done?’ the blonde girl asked hesitantly, casting worried glances at Spinner’s zapper. Her companion stepped between them, shielding her with his body.

‘I’m not going to shoot you,’ she said flatly, rolling her eyes. The pair didn’t relax. ‘But it had to be done. You girl, what’s your name?’

The girl looked slightly taken aback. ‘Link,’ she replied.

‘You knew Relay, didn’t you Link?’ That surprised her even more.

‘What do you know about that?’ Link breathed.

‘No more than anyone else it seems,’ she answered. ‘He lost someone from Unit 12 too.’ She pointed to where Cable lay on the floor. ‘And now he wants to kill Ram. You and I know that would never end well. You’re going to help me put a stop to this idea.’

‘And how are we supposed to do that?’ the man asked. ‘He’s only going to be more angry when he wakes up.’

‘Tag…’ Link cautioned, putting a hand on his arm.

‘You’re right,’ she admitted. ‘But leave me to worry about that. I’ll be back in a few hours.’

‘What?! You can’t just leave us here!’ Link protested.

‘What are we meant to do with him?’ Tag spluttered.

‘Tie him up, gag him, anything!’ she replied on her way out. ‘Just don’t let him out, and don’t let anyone in unless it’s me. I’ll be back, I promise.’ She left the room and locked the door, ignoring the pair’s protests. It wouldn’t be until the next morning when she finally returned, having worked through the night, even hacking into Ved’s computer to access the software she needed.

‘What is that?’ Link asked when she returned with the disc.

‘Memory deletion software,’ she replied, much to their horror. Any other day and she might have been promoted for coming up with the idea, but nobody could ever know about this. And so, from that moment, the four of them became forever connected.


The voice shook her out of her reminiscence and she quickly locked the CD in a drawer.

‘Ma’am?’ the female Technician at the door repeated. ‘I knocked, but…’

‘What do you want?’ she snapped.

‘It’s the petitioners from Sector 4, ma’am,’ the Technician replied without flinching, well-used to suffering abuse from her superiors. ‘They’re here to meet with Cable but he won’t see them. I thought maybe you…’

‘I’m far too busy,’ she interrupted. ‘Cable will just have to see them whether he likes it or not. It’s about time he started pulling his weight around here.’


‘But nothing! Take them to Cable, I have places to be.’

‘Yes ma’am,’ the girl said nervously. For a moment Spinner thought she was going to say something else, but she lowered her eyes and left the room.

She waited for the sound of footsteps going down the stairs to fade before checking the lock on the drawer and getting the last of the equipment together that she needed to take to the mall. Once everything was ready she hoisted the case strap onto her shoulder and left the office, locking the door behind her and pocketing the key.

‘There you go,’ Ellie smiled, handing a cup of tea to Link.

‘Thanks,’ the Technician replied hoarsely before clearing her throat. ‘It’s been some morning.’ She had stopped crying but her eyes were still red-rimmed.

‘I’ll bet,’ Ellie sympathised.

They sat in silence for a while as Link sipped her tea.

‘I suppose you’re wondering what happened back there,’ she said after a while.

‘Only when you’re ready,’ the Mallrat answered, holding up her hands to indicate there was no pressure.

‘What do you already know?’ Link asked.

‘Not much,’ Ellie shrugged. ‘Just that there’s a group of Technos that went missing a while back that nobody ever talks about. Elsa was one of them, and I’m guessing your friend was too, along with the two bodies Ruby and May found, but they disappeared before we could examine them.’

‘Unit 12,’ Link nodded. ‘The units were randomly assigned every day, six Technos to each, so there were no loyalties to anyone but Ram. At least in theory. Unit 12 went missing while out searching for Jay and Ebony in the city. Nobody radioed for backup, and when we tried to contact them their communications were all down. Ram didn’t order an investigation, he was too worried about what would happen to him if Jay and Ebony weren’t found, so they went down as runaways.’

‘Is it possible that they did run away?’ Ellie asked.

‘No,’ Link stated with certainty. ‘How could they have planned it? They didn’t know they’d be working together until that morning, and besides, Relay just wouldn’t have done that. Or Elsa.’

‘Can I ask…’ Ellie began. ‘When you saw Elsa’s grave you changed your mind about helping us. Why was that?’

Link sighed. ‘Elsa and Cable were in love,’ she explained. ‘When she vanished, it nearly killed him. If he knew that members of Unit 12 were turning up dead in the City after so long…it would destroy him, and he’d pull the rest of us down with him. We have to stop Plague before the wrong person finds out what’s happening. I’m sorry, I know it’s a completely selfish reason for helping you, but I was too scared before. Scared that if I dug too deep then Unit 12 would come back to haunt us. Well now they have, and I’m scared of what will happen if I don’t do anything.’

Ellie smiled but said nothing. It did seem selfish, considering the threat to the Mallrats, but she couldn’t really blame her for keeping her distance originally. That was the way the world was now.

‘So, how can I help?’ the Technician asked. ‘I can get you files on everyone from Unit 12. Maybe you can identify the other two who were found.’

‘That’s a good start,’ Ellie agreed. ‘And there’s something else. It’s just a theory at the moment, but I think you can help me track down Plague.’

Darryl stood at the entrance to the mall with his hands on the metal grille, watching May running out into the city. It had stopped raining, but judging by the clouds the worst of the storm was yet to come. May had been spending an increasing amount of time away from the mall since their…misunderstanding, and he still hadn’t had a chance to put her right, not when she was going out of her way to avoid him. He only hoped he got to her before Amber decided to say something. That scenario played out in his nightmares and always ended badly for him; he really didn’t want to get caught up in that crossfire. With a sigh he turned back to the mall and saw Lottie and Bonnie coming down the stairs with rucksacks on their backs. They stopped in front of him and smiled sweetly.

‘What are you two doing?’ he asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

‘Playing,’ Lottie smiled.

‘Skink hunting,’ Bonnie added. Lottie elbowed her in the ribs.

‘Well not out there you’re not,’ he said, herding them away from the grille. ‘Amber said you’re not to go out while there’s crazies about.’

‘But May just went out,’ Bonnie pouted.

‘May can look after herself,’ he explained.

‘So can we!’ Lottie argued.

‘Nice try kids,’ he chuckled. ‘Why don’t you find somewhere in the mall where you can play Skink hunting.’

‘Awww, but Darryl!’ the two girls echoed.

‘Sorry, but them’s the rules,’ he shrugged. ‘Now promise me you’ll stay away from the grille.’

Bonnie whispered something in Lottie’s ear and they both giggled. ‘OK!’ they both said, with innocent looks on their faces, and ran off into the mall laughing.

He nodded his head in smug satisfaction and proceeded up the stairs to his room. On the landing his stomach tied itself in knots as he saw Amber striding purposefully towards him.

‘Darryl, hi!’

‘Oh, hi Amber. Can I help you?’

‘I’ve been talking to Trudy about how we can improve security, I just wanted to run my ideas past you if you’ve got time?’

‘Sure,’ he shrugged. ‘Fire away.’

‘Well we’ve been a bit lacking in muscle since Lex and Slade left,’ she explained, conspicuously leaving out Jay. ‘No offence!’ she added, as an afterthought. ‘But I’ve been thinking that Creg’s been spending a lot of time here lately, so we might as well make it a permanent arrangement, ask him to join the tribe. What do you think?’

‘Lex won’t like it,’ he warned.

‘Lex isn’t here,’ she pointed out. ‘And anyway I’m not asking Lex, I’m asking you. Creg, should he stay?’

‘He seems pretty cool,’ he replied. ‘I don’t see why not.’

‘Good!’ Amber beamed. ‘Which brings me to my next point. I want to make him deputy head of security.’


‘Yeah, we’ll make May head of security until Lex comes back. Do you have a problem with that?’

He realised he was frowning. ‘Oh no,’ he said, forcing a smile. ‘She is the obvious choice.’

‘Good, because they’ll be reporting to you,’ she said.

‘Me?!’ he spluttered. ‘But…’

‘Well I wanted to free up some time for myself, to get on with City business,’ she explained. ‘But if you don’t think you’re up to it I could always…’

‘No!’ he cried. The further he could keep May and Amber from each other, the better. ‘I was just…pleasantly surprised, that’s all! Is…is that everything? I don’t think I could take any more ‘pleasant surprises.’

‘That’s it!’ she smiled. ‘Unless you have anything you want to add?’

‘No, no!’ he said, giving a weak laugh. ‘Nothing to add!’

‘Excellent!’ she said, already walking away. ‘Get those petitions to me by this afternoon?’

‘Will do!’

His shoulders slumped as Amber left. May would not be happy about this; his nightmares were beginning to come true! But had he got it wrong about Amber? She had been completely businesslike just then, almost dismissive even. No sign that anything…untoward had happened the previous day. For some reason he was almost disappointed.

Trudy knelt on the floor in her room, helping Brady decide which of her dolls to play with. ‘You want that one? Look, she’s got a dress just like yours! Okay then, you play with that one.’


She turned her head to the doorway where Gel stood, looking upset. ‘Oh Gel, sweetie, come in,’ she said warmly, moving from the floor to her bed. ‘Come and sit down.’ Gel walked over despondently and sat next to her on the bed, resting her head against her shoulder. ‘Bonnie said you were at the funeral this morning,’ she said, putting a comforting arm around her. ‘How was it?’

Gel shrugged slightly. ‘Link, you know, that Technician girl? She got all upset at someone else’s grave,’ she sniffed. ‘There’s something funny going on with her, Ruby and Ellie. Ruby didn’t even come back with the rest of us, she stayed behind at the graveyard.’

‘That is a bit odd,’ Trudy admitted. ‘But you know hon, people get upset at funerals. She probably just needed a bit of time to compose herself.’

‘It’s not like any of us haven’t been to a funeral before,’ Gel said dryly.

‘Oh, but I thought…?’

‘That’s not why I came to see you,’ she said, starting to sniff again. ‘It’s Creg.’

‘Oh no, what’s the matter?’ Trudy asked. ‘What has he done?’

‘Nothing!’ Gel sobbed, lifting her head to wipe her eyes. ‘He hasn’t done anything!’

‘I…I don’t understand, sweetheart,’ Trudy said. ‘What is it that’s upset you?’

‘He doesn’t want me Trudy,’ the younger Mallrat sighed.

Trudy laughed in spite of herself. ‘Oh Gel, we’ve all seen the two of you together; nothing could be further from the truth!’

‘No, you don’t understand!’ Gel cried. ‘He hasn’t tried to…you know.’ She quickly looked over at Brady before whispering ‘to do it .’


‘See!’ she wailed. ‘He wants to dump me!’

‘Oh no, honey, don’t say that!’ Trudy said, desperately trying to comfort the other girl. ‘It’s really nothing to worry about. I mean, you’ve only just started seeing each other.’

‘But Lex…’

‘Woah, stop right there!’ she ordered. ‘Gel, not every man is like Lex, okay? This is a good thing.’

‘So…he’s not going to dump me?’

‘I very much doubt it!’ Trudy laughed. ‘Look, if you’re that worried, why don’t you talk to Creg about it? You’ll probably find he’s just as nervous as you are.’

‘You think so?’ Gel asked, letting out a last few sniffs. ‘Thanks Trudy.’

‘Any time,’ she smiled. As Gel stood up to leave, Trudy caught her hand. ‘Just don’t rush into anything, okay? Enjoy spending time with each other!’

Gel smiled and nodded, then left the room. Trudy laughed and shook her head, then went back to playing with Brady.

‘So are you happy with the plan?’ Ellie asked, tidying away the tea things.

‘Yes,’ Link replied. ‘I can get the Unit 12 files easily enough, but the others…Mega’s files are all protected, it could take me a while to access them.’

‘I’m sorry,’ Ellie said. ‘It could all be for nothing, but if Plague is messing with viruses, and had something to do with the Unit 12 disappearances, then it’s possible he was a Techno himself, working on Mega’s secret lab. If we can just get a list of names, I don’t know, maybe we can find some clues.’

‘Well I can give you one name straight off,’ Link admitted. ‘Spinner.’

‘Is somebody taking my name in vain?’ Spinner announced, suddenly appearing in the doorway. Ellie and Link’s heads both shot in her direction.

‘What are you doing here?’ Link asked.

‘I’m here for Jack of course,’ she replied. ‘You do still want me to help him, don’t you Ellie?’

Ruby let the grille close behind her with a crash and gave a contented sigh, glad to be back inside.

‘Ruby, you’re back!’ Darryl greeted her.

‘Yeah, I just had to do something,’ she replied vaguely. ‘Have I missed anything?’

‘Not really,’ he shrugged. ‘Looks like it’s going to be a quiet day today.’

The sound of running footsteps behind them caught their attention, and they turned in time to see a ragged looking kid dash away out of the entranceway. They also saw the piece of paper that had been left behind, stuffed inside the grille. They looked at each other in dismay.

‘Not again,’ Ruby breathed.

The Skinks lived by the waterfront, in the old fish market, a network of little buildings used for storing and processing fish, encircling a forum of ramshackle market stalls. The perfect cover, Lottie thought, for their mission. Leaving the mall through the sewers had added to their already impressive array of unpleasant water bombs. Hearing a shuffling noise behind her she whirled round, ready to throw, but it was only Bonnie.

‘Where have you been?’ she asked. ‘I was getting worried.’

‘Just filling up,’ the other girl replied, and demonstrated by firing her water pistol at some unsuspecting seagulls.

‘Nice!’ she commented, watching the stream of distinctly murky-looking water coming from the nozzle. ‘Are you ready?’ She smeared war paint on her face and passed it to Bonnie for her to do the same.

‘Oh yes!’ her friend replied, turning away from the flustered birds.

‘Then let’s go!’

Giggling with delight, the pair ran headlong into enemy territory.

Jack could do nothing to protest as he felt himself being hooked up to the machinery, and he could have been physically sick when the headset finally went on.

‘Don’t worry Ellie, you’ve made the right decision,’ he heard Spinner say.

No she jolly well hasn’t! he thought bitterly. He hadn’t heard a word from Ellie, and it was only Spinner’s words and the smell of her that told him she was there at all. There’s still time to say no!

‘Right, now let’s get started,’ the Technician said. Nothing happened for a few seconds, then he started to feel a tingling in his brain, so tiny at first that he thought he was imagining it, but gradually getting stronger as all his synapses began working overtime. He felt exhausted in a matter of seconds, surely his head was about to explode.


Oh… Just ohohohoh! So those Technos going missing is a long while ago… Longer then I had in mind… Ohohoh! Who is Plague? How could he take six Technos just away… Wow!

Deleting memories?! Again… Wow… That will fire back on her for sure!

Poor Ruby :sob:

Gel is sweet… But understandable after her last experiences… She literally never had a decent guy being interested in her!

Poor Darryl :joy: He should grow a bit and tell the ladies that he isn’t a cute dog to train! Be a man Darryl!!!

Jack… I am scared for him. I know Spinner has her reasons, but I still don’t trust her.

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So happy you got Chapter 30 up today nice and early. :slight_smile: Time to start with,

Chapter 26; Getting To Know You: You bugger! Teaming Darryl up with Amber makes her slightly more bearable. Seriously May slapping Darryl, she needs to do one!!! Am glad Ruby and Ellie had a good night, they deserve it. But I still don’t trust these Technicians. It was nice they opened up to each other about Ram and Luke and could have a laugh about it. Poor Michael Wesley Smith (Jack) being asleep still so many chapters later. HAHAHA. May is hurting, oh well. :slight_smile: I love now I have a visual of the faces behind Creg and Bonnie in their scene with Gel. Gel climbing into the rubbish :laughing: and comforting Bonnie, just brilliant!!! And then sprinting in for a shower. You managed to capture sadness and comedy all in one swoop, love it. Oh, you are good, the conversation May overhead of Amber and Darryl was just perfect! :slight_smile: Photo of Sasha, wow that’s a blast from the past. Hmmm?

Chapter 27; The Next Move: Great opening scene with Trudy and Gel. Love the reference Gel used ‘garbage buddies’. :laughing: Then enjoyed Darryl with coffee spluttering Trudy. :laughing: You are a funny guy @MallRatMatt. Yuck, May is just so vile. You made me feel sorry for her when Darryl found what she had done, but then her actions of shouting and lobbing stuff at Darryl made me remember she is a cow! LOL. Pairing Lottie with someone more her age and someone who is so adorable again you are making me like another character I disliked in the series. Those Skinks are frightening and its all Lex’s fault, repulsive man. Thank goodness for Creg, he has done well to make the Mall Rats like him. But I am still suspicious? Another great cliffhanger and I also thought KC had returned.

Chapter 28; Undercurrents: Just shut up Amber and May!!! Nice to see Ruby arguing back to Amber and how dare she speak to Ellie like that. The Mall Rats would be better off without Amber!!! I really hope Creg is a good guy, please confirm he is. I don’t want Gel to get hurt. Am enjoying more of Link and Tag and the relationship they have with Ruby. Oooo what is Cable up too? Is he Plague maybe?

Chapter 29; What’s In A Name: Oooo these Technicians are an intriguing bunch! What is with all these ex Technos being killed though? Bonnie is easily becoming one of my faves in this story. And it’s great to learn more about Lian, (Link). :slight_smile: What on earth just happened with Jack? Who was there? WOW, this story is AMAZING!!! So tense! Creg really does like Gel, right? And we can trust him? Bonnie getting lippy to Amber, she just gets better. Amber has such an attitude problem jeez. My head is all over the place, I don’t know who to trust… Unit 12 oooo! My head hurts, HAHA.

Chapter 30; The Brewing Storm: Ruby is certainly taking centre stage of recent, it’s good, she is great and you are doing her justice. :slight_smile: A stronger better woman than that Amber. Aww bless her at Ram’s grave. Is Link going to be the first Technician to join the Mall Rats, I think so… But I could be wrong, I am so confused and don’t trust any of the new characters expect Bonnie. Bonnie is definitely making Lottie likeable, what are they gonna get up to now… :slight_smile: Oh my what a flashback, I like where you have linked this back to me. Oh sugar, Spinner is going to wipe Jack’s memory. :astonished: I think… A bit of light relief with Gel thank goodness all those harder hitting scenes and mind boggling plot thank goodness. I am loving it though! Another note, oh crap! Bonnie and Lottie running into danger and Jack!!! What are you trying to do to me? I’m exhausted.

WOOHOO I am all caught up and cannot wait for the next chapter. Will be reading each new chapter as they are put up. :slight_smile: You best not leave the next one on a big cliffhanger if you are switching to the rest of the tribe. :laughing:

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@Jack… Whoaaaa… Now we can discuss :v:

@MallRatMatt… The Mistress is there… * horrormusicplaysinbackground *:rofl:

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Thanks both!

@Zwenja - Yep, Spinner originally came up with the memory deletion software, but she’s dug herself into a hole with it now.

Still kicking myself over Ram, but at least I managed to slip him into the flashbacks!

I’m still not sure Darryl quite understands the full implications of what’s going on with Amber and May!

@Jack - well done for catching up!

I surprised myself with Amber and Darryl’s closeness, but I wanted to throw in the Sasha reference to show that there was a bit of a precedent with Amber and it wasn’t quite as ridiculous as it might first seem. And it seemed a good opportunity for Amber to explore her work/life balance.

Glad you’re enjoying the humour! I do think it’s important to mix the serious with the light-hearted, especially as there’s some heavier stuff coming up.

Success! I will gladly take the point for making you warm to Lottie. Just have to try and do the same for Sammy now. :wink:

I’m really happy that you’re feeling the tension! I hope you both like where I take things with the rest of the tribe.

Would I do that? :smiling_imp:

Thanks for reading. New chapter tomorrow!

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Darryl is just a little naive :joy: But I wish him a real love… (though neither of both girls seems suitable to him for me :see_no_evil: Too good hearted for May and too less of Alpha male for Amber… :see_no_evil:)

Ram is interesting to write about… His character has many layers to unfold…

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