It doesn’t take long for Eciov to start giving orders…
"So without further ado, Salene pack a bag. Nate, lend her a hand and take note of Salene’s house rules etc. Will, scout around for anything you think is worth taking with us. Just remember though, your be carrying it Hulk. And Dawn… Erm, fire up that brain and erm… I dunno just look pretty…Or whatever that it is you are doing.”
“You’ll see. And what about you?” Dawn challenges
“I am the home. So that means only one thing…”
Eciov grins
She pulls something from her pocket… Pink, feathered gloves… I stand surprised AND confused but can’t help the small smile as I remember Zandra and her pinks feathery washing up gloves she’d use when ever she changed Brady or anything that to her was ‘dirty work’
"This place is pretty spotless, but I am just going to give it the Eciov spruce up… Spit spot everyone!"
"Will, If you look in there" I point to the room that reminds me of a panic room "There are still some supplies in there, I think the people who lived here before me had it made as a panic room and they had a huge stockpile of supplies"
I watch as he opens the door…
"Wow, they were ready for the end of the world" he gasps in surprise
"With it being just me here I don’t use a huge amount of things, I also reuse things where I can, like the candles, I always save the left over wax and remake more" I say
It’s what I picked up from Pride and Amber through the years
Eciov smiles at me…
"Come" Nate smiles "Show me around your home"
Nate holds out his hand, I see Will look over before going back to what he is doing, I smile and lead Nate towards my bedroom…
"Wow" he gasps "You have done really well in restoring this cottage"
"It’s not perfect, I did what I could within my skills, there’s still loads that need fixing"
I pull out my back pack and start putting in a few of the clothes I own and what ever bit’s I’ll need as Nate looks around…
"Would you be offended if I helped you out?" he asks as he stands by the window "I can repair a few things while your away"
"No" I smile and shake my head "I couldn’t ask you to do that"
Nate walks back over to me and places his hand on my shoulder…
"I can see how much you mean to Eciov, A frend of hers is a friend of the Everglades" he smiles "Besides it will take a few days for Raven to get here and I have time so I’ll need something to do"
"Thank you, I appriciate it"
I finish putting my boots on then put my coat on, looking around…
"I love this cottage" I sigh
"Are you ready, Eciov will want to leave so you can get as close to the city as possible while the suns up"
I nod and we make our way back down to the kitchen, Will is putting the boxes back into the panic room, I watch as he and Dawn seperate the supplies between their packs and declare they are ready to go… I go to the water filter and fill up my water bottle that I use, then I grab the pile of unopened red letters and shove them in my bag…
"I guess I’m ready to go as well" I say with a swallow…
"It will be okay" Will smiles "We will protect you"
"It’s not that, I’m terrified of what waits for us, and all the bad memories"
Will smiles and rubs my arm, it’s weird but I do feel some what safe with Mouse, Will and Dawn… Eciov smiles and packs away the things she pulled from her pack, she says something quietly to Nate and then we leave the safety of my little cottage to go to the big bad city and the unknown…
(Eciov and the Everglades moved with permission, Jack and Zwenja both have permission to move my charators when needed)