Mall Rats Return

Dominion Casino

Both girls do two shots, I am impressed I look at Danni “Its definitely not all that tasty but it does the job” I grinned, I had to hope that they could actually handle it, I’d only be able to carry one of them home and after a look around I had no idea where Callan was though I knew he would be back at some point.

As Danni leans against me I decide to place the tray down and move an arm around her, last thing I wanted was for her to trip.

I look at Red “Next round on you then” I grinned “So this game is fairly easy, we just need to beat the dealer and try make 21, if we go over we are bust. Come on, we’ll do this round together” I say and throw a chip across the table and nod to the dealer who turns over a 4 and a 6 “Ok so we have 10 here, we need another 11, do you think we should stick or get another card?”

Andy Rossini Shoes

I must have been sat on the bed made of pallets for over an hour, or it could even be less, who knows how long with no track of time. The four walls by now must be feeling so uncomfortable after not having so much focus for so long. At least I had reframed from talking to them. Tally and Leo had been quiet for most of the time.

I notice Salene hovering at the door but then she was gone. I decide to get up and take a mooch around, maybe catch Salene…

I exit our room to spot Sal going into hers. I’ll leave her for now. Knowing the Mall had less occupants right now, my brain begins to unravel at what could I discover…

My head keeps looking up. But I knew The Serpents had made it clear the upstairs of the Mall was out of bounds. This reminded me of that hot princess from that old Disney movie that was forbidden to go to the west wing, but still goes…

“Oh what the hell!”

After taking the smaller staircase up that is more hidden, (the one closer to the sewers that leads to the Pharmacy) I scope out the rooms that were used by the Chosen. I had an inkling these could well be other rooms the Serpents weren’t using but had checked were secure but had not routed through. And I was correct.

Room used by The Chosen

It was full of boxes stacked high. I decide to start rummaging. Old posters of Ebony and Moz, you name it, there was allsorts in here, full of utter shit that found its way in here over the years that The Serpents had shifted here I suppose or hadn’t even touched since the last Mall Rats… Who knows, who cares, not my business.

The boxes had reduced in height and then there she was, Jack’s old computer or at least one that resembled it.

Why had The Serpents chose not to use it downstairs I wonder? Hadn’t noticed it. Too much on electricity, who knows…

I leapt towards it and then fell to the floor following the cable. It was connected. “Dummies. Wasting unneccessary electric!” I stand again and look at it and smile. I notice a headset on the desk. I push the on button and watch in awe as the computer fires up.

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Dominion Casino

Luc places his arm around me and for a brief second I forget, I forget the pain and the loneliness, the eternal sense of loss and emptiness, but the moment doesn’t last and the sense of pain almost doubles as it returns.

Luc tells me how the game works and I welcome the distraction, ’another card,’ I tell him without really hearing the question. Hopefully there would be another drink coming our way to distract me from the emotion swirling in my head.

Phoenix Salt&Sassy bar

“That’s impossible! How do you…you are cheating!” the guy in front of me roars, slamming his useless cards onto the table. I just raise a brow and reach for the small dagger he had thrown in. Here is a lot of card games going, no coins or whatever, people play with what they have.

Mike has told us about the casino he sometimes visit. Kyle then grinned saying then after all he knew how we can stuff if hunting doesn’t work. He boasted about me being a poker genius I wouldn’t go that far. I had years to watch people play, within being a slave there wasn’t anything else to take your mind off then playing.

I pretty quickly understood then that counting is essential. Count the cards, memorize which are still in game… Play, keep a indifferent face…

I smile and throw the knife back at him. He catches it “Don’t insult me! You won it…” I shake my head, Kyle sighs “He thinks it’s not fair to take a weapon from you…” I nod and reach my hand out to Mike. He shakes it, looking in my eyes.

“I’ll go and see if I can bring you lot over to the building. You probably are eager for some quietness…” He bites his lip and looks tensed at me “Sorry… That was insensitive…” I chuckle soundless while he goes to talk to Deliah.

“Honestly man… You’re too nice!” Kyle says, swatting my head. “No I am not. You’re just a blind fool!” I sign to him. Taken aback he looks at me “What makes you say so?” He signs. “You didn’t realise the look in his eyes. He was thankful I didn’t take that knife. He knew it was his fault. No one forced him to throw that into the pot. He underestimated me… Now he knows it’s not just boasting, when you say I am good… And still kept his dagger. I don’t need it. We don’t need it. But he might. I probably saved him from trouble with Deliah. I don’t think she likes her guards gambling away their weapons…”

Kyles mouth goes round as I sign to him. “Ohhhh…you did that to make him grateful to you…” Sam rolls her eyes “Honestly… That’s why you are NEVER making our plans Kyle. All this years and you still don’t grab it!”

They start bickering and I turn away. No need to “listen” in. I grab my bow and quiver and fling it over. Then I take my rucksack. Mike returns and waves to us.

I snap my fingers between their faces. They look at me and I look back sternly. I nod over to Mike. Both then grab their own things and we turn to the bar. Deliah grins at us “Don’t worry… The place is quiet soundproof!” She winks. I understand that she goes on being just her usual self. People will think we are just staying a while in her dormitories.

“Good to know… Sam’s rather loud!” Kyle jokes, what gets him a kick from our girl. I sigh and roll my eyes,following them out.

Old building at the docks

After only a short walk we stand on an old building. “This once were quarters for sailors and harbor workers. The rooms are pretty simple. Everyone has to get his or her own furnishments. Everyone cleans his or her own room. There is a place with a cooking fire behind the building. No open fire IN the building. Energy is rather restricted, so we prefer to only use it for light and warm showers. No heating. Use blankets. Water is provided due to several rain filters”

Mike draws on while we follow him into the building and climb the stairs. Fuck… Are we on top? Not exactly what I prefer…

But I don’t complain as we enter the dust free room. There aren’t Rats around, no cobwebs or whatever.

“See… Here are some furnishments even. Cupboards and such. That door there leads to a simple bathroom.” I nod “Any questions?” Mikee asks. I shake my head. Sam smiles at him “Thanks. Our journey was really long… We are glad to havd a roof above our heads…” Mike nods “I can understand that. I know that Deliah show maybe was a bit… Unusual. But she’s a good one. When she takes you under her protection…”

He looks short at each of us and leaves then with a goodnight. Kyle and I share one look and then at once go over to the side corner where some small cupboard stands. We hurriedly shift it over to the door, to stand in front and block the way in. Sam meanwhile looks closely into corners, using a flashlight with a dynamo. “No cameras…” She signs. I nod. I didn’t expect here some as the energy seems really restricted. But we have stayed in places with energy systems and cameras spying on us.

I go and open the window and look around. Relieved to see the firestairs I turn and sign “Firestairs are left side. We can keep the door closed and can still escape…”

Once this is settled, we start to make a bed from our sleeping bags and blankets. Sam dissappears into the bathroom and we hear her actually sing while she showers (of course ‘hear’ is wrong in my case. I rather feel the vibrations of the water and Kyle’s grin tells me she is singing!) . But soon the sound stops and she comes back, dressed now in some more comfortable things. Kyle then takes a shirt shower and appears in shirt and pyjama bottoms. We always gave some sleeping clothes with us. If given the chance it’s just wonderful to sleep in something else then day to day clothes when on travel.

I then follow their example, shower, dress and walk back into the now dark room. Only Sam’s flashlight guides me. I slide under the blanket that Kyle lifts up.

“You know you gave Deliah a weapon… She now knows you both would do wehatever for me. She knows Kyle and I are your weakness…” Sam speaks gently, the flashlight illuminating her face.

“She knows we three are each others weakness, but also each others strength. And mind… She didn’t see our fighting skills man on man. It’s why you didn’t fully fight there or? I have seen you wiggle out of the hold of bigger guys…” “I wondered too!” Kyle speaks and signs.

Sam shrugs “I was curious… And wanted to see whats going on. It didn’t seem wise to just go and beat the shit out of them…” I grin and pull her in my arms, I feel her snuggling up. Her arm goes over my waist and pulls Kyle closer who then spoons me. It’s not often I let myself be the middle of our sandwich. But tonight I might need it. Sam’s soft warmth in front and sweet tropical scent and Kyle’s reassuring, strong body behind.

Her hands caress my side, her lips kiss me softly goodnight. His lips wander along my neck, tease my ear a bit. I feel him chuckle as I giggle soundless. I am ticklish there.

Tonight there won’t be more planning or tossing ideas. Tonight it’s just us…

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I laugh at Luc “You’re lucky I’m nice, stay with Danni while I get drinks” I say grabbing another shot off the tray with a smirk downing it on the way to the bar. It wasn’t the worst stuff but it really wasn’t the best either.
The bar area was a bit busy, so I hummed to myself looking around the bar waiting for someone to be free to make our drinks, I watched people as they danced on the far side of the casino.


I watched as Red walked to the bar grabbing one of the shots as she went. She was lucky not everyone had taken two so far, I wasn’t for giving up mine just yet.
I turn my attention back to Danni and nod to the dealer for another card “Ok so we got a 9 so now we have 19… Do we stick or risk another card if we get more then a 2 we’re out”

I didn’t want to tell her what to do, she wasn’t going to grasp the rules that way… Though I wasn’t actually sure if she was going to take any of this in anyway.

Dominion Casino

The next card is drawn and I stare at it for a moment, ’stick?’ chances of us getting something over two seemed higher than not so staying with what we had seemed the best idea. I wasn’t sure what would happen given that we hadn’t reached the number required to win, unless there was another way to win?

Thinking for a moment I look around the casino at all the people, KC and Lottie are talking, and I notice Cloe and Gel also seem to be having a good time, good… that was good.

Luc says something else and I turn my attention back to him, frowning slightly as I didn’t catch what he said, ’hmm?’



I give a small laugh when Danni turns her attention back to me “I said sticking is the best idea” I look at the dealer “Stick” I tell him before focusing back on Danni “So unless the dealer gets 20 or 21 we’ve won” I said.

The dealer turned his cards, equally 17, I could see his temptation of getting another card and a second later he took another mking him bust.

I laugh “You won Danni, his cards went over 21”

Dominion Casino

The dealer turns over a second card and before I can do the maths Luc tells me that we won!! I laugh and clap my hands although I genuinely don’t really know what happened or how we won, ah well, I wasn’t going to complain!

Is there an easier game… like… actual snap?’ I ask Luc with a laugh, ’I think this one is a little too… complicated!’ I could tell that the game probably wasn’t as confusing as I was finding it but the alcohol swirling in my system was fogging my brain slightly more than I wanted to admit aloud.

By a beach, miles away from the city

It took me a while but I actually managed to catch some fishes and get a fire going, well I had gotten Oliver to do it. I still had the map near him shaking his head and mumbling about it, luckily we had some water bottles in our backpacks as I wasn’t sure if the water in the lake was drinkable.

You’re right… we have to find shelter for tonight" Ollie then spoke making me glance over at him. I sighed and nodded my head. “I can’t help but worry about mom and dad” I then spoke looking into the fire. They were capable of taking care of themselves but it had been a storm and the waves were high and wild. Oliver didn’t say anything at the moment and looked into the fire but I knew he felt the same.


I began To smile more and the more KC talked the bigger it got and it also threatned to break out some laughter. ”So you can say you are a former gambling guy?” i asked not being put off by it at all.

”I used to steal, much for my survival but then it also became like an addiction and fun too. It did get me into some trouble….or a lot” i Said laughing a little and shook my head before looking back at KC. ”Since you shared something i thought i could do the same”


I couldn’t help but laugh as she got excited clapping her hands “Yeah come on, let’s go to roulette” I said picking up the winning chips, shoving them in my pocket and taking her hand “Come on, you’ll probably like this one more” I tell her grabbing the tray of shots with my free hand I lead the way to the far side of the room where the roulette table was.

Putting down the tray on the side I grinned at Danni “Ok this one is nice and easy, you just bet on red or black, if the ball lands on the colour you pick you win”
Reaching into my pocket I pulled out the chips “Lets see you work your magic over here, you’re on a winning streak”


I grinned “You know whats funny, I ended up joining the Mallrats because they caught me stealing from the mall” I was amazed at how similar we were, both started off as young kids stealing and enjoying it “Seems you picked up where I left off, it definitely pays to have someone with light fingers around this place”

Dominion Casino

Luc grabs my hand and for another moment the feeling of connection with another person calms the storm in my head, I knew I was being silly but it had been so long since I’d shared even a touch like this. Sure I’d hugged my family but since Ryder’s passing it hadn’t been the same, as really they weren’t my family but his…

’Red or black, ok I can do that!’ that seemed so much easier than counting cards. Taking a moment I smile, ’red…’ I had a fifty fifty chance of getting it right, so either could have been a good choice but red just tempted me more. ’I don’t know if it’s a winning streak,’ I add with a smile, although I’m suddenly very aware he’s no longer holding my hand, and then I’m very aware of the fact I’m aware of it.




I sit just watching everyone around me milling around doing their own things, going their own way, after Tally and Andy leave, Ryan and Alice have gone to find a room, Zandra, Dannii and I don’t know who else have set about going out to party… The Mall falls quiet… I look out of the cafe and see Sal standing by the fountain, she has arms wrapped around herself, always something she found a comfort, I watch her for a few minutes as she closes her eyes, she turns and walks to our room… I know she hasn’t eaten so I fix her a big bowl of stew, well some of whats left… I leave the cafe and head to our room, going in I see her head resting on her knees…

“Sal” I say softly “I brought you some food”

She lifts her head and goves me a weak smile… I put the bowl on the old dresser we cleaned up then sit down beside her…

“Talk to me” I say softly

She turns her head as it still rests on her knees…

“Why did I come back here, why did curiosity get the better of me” she sighs “Why did I let Mouse talk me into this”

“Ryan?” I ask

“I knew there was a chance he would be here, I’m not completely silly, I knew he wouldn’t of spent the last 20 years alone like me but…” she pauses

“You didn’t think he would be coupled up with Alice?” I ask

“I guess” she shrugs and sighs “There’s sooo much that needs to be said but then nothing at all, he moved on I stayed single, I’m happy for them, I just… I don’t know”

“There’s too many memories?” I add “Sal ypu and Lex have alot more memories, good and Bad, you were here from the begining it was all you knew after the virus, others will have memories that may not be as strong as yours”

“Not memories” Sal sighs

I look at her confused…

“Feels more like ghost of the past” she sighs “I just… I want to go home but I know I can’t run away, the Serpants don’t want us here and if what they told me by the sewers, when the city tribes find out we are back, it could cause the serpants ALOT of problems, the Mall Rats are far from popular”

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her into a cuddle…

“We will be okay Sal, we have plenty of guys here to protect us, as soon as we know what the letters are about we can leave, please don’t go just yet, let’s give it a couple of days”

Salene nods and agrees to allow a few days to go before she leaves…

“It’s been a long day, you haven’t eaten” I say “Eat something and rest”

“Okay” Sal sighs

I hand her the bowl and smile as she starts to eat, it’s strange me comforting her its normally her comforting everyone else…


Dominion Casino

“It’s a nice and easy game and maybe next time we will expand to even and odd,” I said and pointed to the two boxes that said ‘Even’ and ‘Odd’ “It’s a lot harder to win when you pick a colour and if it’s even or odd but you win more chips”

A few other people put in their chips and I put one for Danni on red “If you win again it will be” I say and give her a playful nudge “I promise you’ll get the hang of it, we might have to practice a bit back at the mall”

A girl was walking by with a tray filled with drinks, I skillfully reached and grabbed two without her realising and turned to Danni “Want one? No pressure”

Dominion Casino
All the information is running around in my head as we reach the casino. The group seem to spread rather quickly. I watch them before I make my way over to get a drink. I’ve not been drinking a lot, not after the episode where I made fun of myself in front of the others the last time I was at the mall before we left.

How silly could one be? Im glad ive grown up and changed a lot since that. Do I still care about looks and make up yes, but I tend to think more now before I speak.

old bunker
I look at Brady and nod my head slightly. “its fine, you keep the one we have here and ill use one of the ones with less fluids on them, I’ll try to be quick” I say looking at her. “I need to see if we can find our bags and Aurora needs to stay inside where its atleast dry.” I say looking at Brady. I kiss Auroras forehead quickly, my little girls eyes are so heavy, shes fighting to keep them open.


Dominion Casino

Luc tells me how we can make the game more challenging and I laugh, ’not sure that’s a good idea!’ He nudges me and I shake my head, ’practice might be a good idea, we can bet with chores or something! Loser has to clean the toilets?’

Taking the shot from Luc I knock it back without really thinking just as the ball lands on red, ’wait… did I win?’

Dominion Casino

Having dropped off the letters with my contact I head back to the casino, it was busier than when I’d left but I still get in without question. Looking around I notice Luc with one of the girls at the roulette table, they seem to be having some luck… continuing to look I see Red at the bar, and KC and Lottie chatting together. Noticing Gel I choose to head over to where she’s standing, grabbing a couple of drinks off a server as they pass. ’Penny for your thoughts?’ I comment as I step up to Gel, ’you look completely lost in whatever you’re thinking about!’


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