Hey sorry I’ve been so inactive! I had some stuff going on irl but it’s all good now. Now for the people who are interested in the city group I will be introducing Monty soon. If any of you have character ideas for people go wild ahah.
Hi! It has been a little bit since I introduced my character, and while I have enjoyed reading about what is happening in the story… I am lonely in the woods!
If it’s okay with all, I would like to reposition my entry into the story. I remain the thief of food from the school closet, but would like to come into town on my own accord.
I have no objections
Also sorry if anyone is waiting on me. Did I ever tell you I suffer from creativity ADD? I get deep into one thing and it’s all I can think of til the muse runs dry. So, yeah, shout at me if ya need a post and I’ll try to reel my crazy in and get in a reply.
I like your muses when they play @Patch. Need to check if I owe you a reply or is it our lovely @Tribelover15???
I’m the same. I’m also on holiday atm so im getting a bit distracted ahaha.
Ah, I think I didn’t want to be rude and would let @Tribelover15 post ahead of Genesis replying to Bo.
How is everyone? -snuggles for all-
fine so far… crazy busy weeks and maybe another look down, but all healthy
Staying positive and enjoying life with the ones I can spend time with. I am off for a week so plenty of chill time for me.
Would love to see this roleplay kick back up. @Patch how are you doing???
Life ain’t pretty, but I’m alive.
It would be nice if we could get this started up again. It was on e a nice little escape from everything else.
I love how we just stop and start this one again! Would love to get it started again! I will start on my city character tonight if anyone is still interested in that concept!
I hope everyone is well
I think I would need a map at this point with the characters still so spread around the town…
Of course I’ll draw one up
I know Devon and Sabrina live on the farms. Is everyone else able to give an approximate of where your living areas are in reference to the town. And who also is staying in the school as well thank youuu
Bo and Dyson live in the main street in the bar called 'Hal’s. Jessica is currently staying with them.
Greythorn is like a 20 min walk to town, so I guess like a bit over a mile, that’s where Eleanor is with the kids, but it’s becoming unmanageable for winter so they’re all moving to the school.
Wendy already has her stuff at the school, and Corin will move into the school after he boards up his home.
Genesis at this point is at the grocery store
Brilliant I will start drawing up a map