A New Hope - Continue or Reboot? - Retired topic

I don’t care as long as I can still be Lex.

As said, I loved the techno story line but I’m not sure it worked as we hoped…
whatever happens I’m keeping Danni
Just need to manage my time better :sweat_smile:

Restart and Zan… hahaha

By the looks of it, I have a feeling we will probably restart.

@Ram, what do you think?

One of the things that might be smart, to be sure we have both male and females in play, is 2 characters each?
I know it was suggested and discussed before :slight_smile:

1 male, 1 female?

We always seem to have a shortage of players to keep the storyline going :sweat_smile:
I don’t mind original characters, but would prefer needed ones first.

(In which case, I am keeping Trudy and taking on Luke as my male)

Please help me update the list of active players to see who we have/need:

User: @Lex
Characters: Lex & ?

User: @Jack
Characters: Jack & ?

User: @Catha
Characters: Salene & ?

User: @Danni
Characters: Danni & Ved

User: @Zandra
Characters: Zandra & Zak

User: @Patsy
Characters: Patsy & ???

User: @Ram
Characters: Ram & ???

User: @Salene
Characters: Ryan & Gel

User: @Trudy
Characters: Trudy & Luke

User: @Patch
Characters: Slade &

User: @Antonia1Fan
Characters: Jay & Tally

User: @Ash
Characters: Ebony & Sasha

Needed Characters:

From the boat:

The Guardian

If I forgot anyone, let me know.
If need be, I’m fine with characters not having survived our boat trip. :shark::shark::shark:

I’ll take any guy from the boat as well :slight_smile:

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Or if someone wants to be two guys I don’t mind being two girls - I’m flexible :slight_smile:

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I would like Ebony and what about can I play Sasha?
I always wanted to find him with the other missing loved ones.

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ooooh hadn’t thought about Sasha :heart:

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I would love to but I’m locked out of Facebook because I have this new phone and it’s all jacked up.
Sorry it’s been one of the reasons I’m so off the map right now

Oh no not Sasha … :rofl::rofl:

So chuffed to have Jack … thank you. Female character for me Ellie or Alice … I can’t decide. I love them both. Trudy can you decide for me. :slight_smile: Do I want to find myself having a conversation back and forth with Jack and Ellie or would this be a good thing and potentially make things easier and allow 2 main mallrats to be interacted with and push the plot forward. I am a little messy after my night out at a gin & rum festival, sorry. Woohoo x

I can’t be that messy, as I just noticed you didnt include the lovely Darryl.

Edit: to rectify my drunk message, and also to say Cloe, Mouse, Moz, Dee and Patch could all return and could be played. :slight_smile:

Also, after such a long and hard deliberation I would like my female role to be ALICE.


Oh, I’m Team Reboot for sure. I don’t even know what I was trying to do by the end there! Desperate impulsive bid to make something happen, I guess? Which I then instantly abandoned? Sorry, guys! :joy:

I really wanna try to get some interactions going with some of you who I don’t know so well, also! Having two characters instead of one will be good for that and also less chance of muse block. :relieved::ok_hand:

Speaking of which – I’ll take Ruby as my second character, thanks! :heart_eyes:


@Jack I’d say not Ellie because people usually just end up interacting with themselves if they have characters linked like them two

Thanks @Zandra that’s why I finally decided on Alice. Maybe Ellie won’t get picked and end up in the :ocean: And I will have to start out as a sad Jack … Doesn’t mean Ellie can’t appear later.

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I’ll take on Lottie as a second.


are new profiles needed?

I’ll make a new OOC thread, you can copy/paste your old ones there

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ok thanks :slight_smile:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: A New Hope OOC thread!