Unfortunately unless I can get a better set of things I probably won’t be able to make anything new but I wanted to put some of the things I made YEARS ago up even though I am by far not as good as so many others here

Unfortunately unless I can get a better set of things I probably won’t be able to make anything new but I wanted to put some of the things I made YEARS ago up even though I am by far not as good as so many others here
This first one is my godson who I couldn’t resist thinking would make the adorable baby character for one of my various writing endeavors.
Some of these I admit really suck lol but it was during a time when I was still learning.
These three were for an RP written years ago with Slade and a character Alejandria that called herself Lex.
Great to see your art, and development over the years.
Especially loved the Danni and Bray ones.
Thanks, it helped that I had someone I met through the Tribe Fandom that helped me learn with the Branni ones Unfortunately I don’t have access to the same kind of art programs now so I have to relearn things using just gimp and such.
I use a variety of apps on my phone like cut and paste
I haven’t figured out how to do any of the stuff on my phone. I just do stuff on my computer. I’m still a bit new to the smartphone stuff lol didn’t get one until 2 years ago
These all look better than my beginnings, so well done!
Also nice to see you around, Storm