“How much should we give her?” Amber asked Dal.
“2 tablets should be enough I reckon.” Dal said as he looked at the bottle. I didn’t really know what to say.
“Sounds about right, it’s a safe amount and it’s enough to have effect.” Amber said as she stretched, she made us all leave, except Ryan, who was taking care of the baby. I knew why. Even if Ryan didn’t know why at the time.
I didn’t want to leave, but I had no choice. I felt for Trudy, being sick and all. It was growing dark and I had moved myself to the lingerie store since Patsy and Paul had been sick, they’d stuffed themselves with candy they said they’d found in the back of the sweet shop. Greedy little kids.
“Knock, knock.” A male voice said, which made me turn around. It was the new guy, Bray.
“Hey.” I said as I buttoned up my cardigan. When I’d helped with Trudy I’d become soaked and had to change clothes.
“So what have you been up to today?” Bray asked me and I just rolled my eyes as I sat down on my bed.
“What do you want?” I asked as I glared at him.
“Just curious.” Bray said smirking slightly, which made it creep in my whole body.
“Will you leave?” I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders, turned around and left.
The Next Morning.
I was awoken by the baby’s cry. I look at myself in the mirror, I arranged my hair so it sat tight to my skull, and did two curls, one on each side that was held up by clips. And the rest was gathered up into two messy ponytails. When I’d made my make-up better I went to the café. There on the table, a can of formula was standing. I lifted my eyebrow, and then I spotted Bray.
“I was out looking for supplies for the baby, and found some things. Nappies, formula and a bottle.” Bray said as he picked up the other items from his bag.
“Why? We have a baby store over there.” I said and pointed to the store as I grabbed the bottle. I opened the can of formula and put it into the bottle and then poured water into it. I shook it good and then heated it up by putting it in a pot of water. I checked it every now and then to see if it was warm enough. While I was doing this Ryan had entered the café with the crying baby.
“Look what Bray got for the baby Ryan, even though we have a baby store.” I said as I walked over to him and handed him the bottle. I’d made sure it wasn’t too hot.
“What’s that?” he asked and I rolled my eyes and explained.
“It’s formula, for the baby.” Ryan nodded and took the bottle and gave it to the baby girl who drank it greedily. She was obviously hungry. Amber came and joined us.
“Where did all the stuff come from?” she asked as she looked at the baby things on the table.
“Bray went outside and got it for us.” I said smiling as I picked it up and helped Ryan carry it in to his and Trudy’s room.
“Trudy seems better.” I said as I looked at her. She was opening her eyes.
“Welcome back.” Ryan said as he put the baby down into its cot.
“Where did I go?” Trudy asked meekly as she looked around the room. It was just me and Ryan in there.
“You were ill. Very ill. We thought we’d lost you. But Dal saved your life.” Ryan said as he sat down on the bed and pulled Trudy up to a half sitting.
“You got a fever new moms get sometimes. But it’s okay. Dal got you antibiotics, so you should be well soon.” I said as Ryan took the empty bottle from the baby.
“Don’t forget to burp her.” I said as I smiled to Trudy who smiled weakly back at me. At my remark Ryan picked the baby up again.
“How?” he asked and I just stretched my arms out and he handed her to me. I got her to burp in no time.
“Like that.” I said as I handed the baby back to Ryan.
“Trudy, do you know what you want to call your little girl?” I asked and looked over at the baby and then to Trudy.
“Yes. Taryn.” Trudy said smiling.
“That’s a beautiful name.” I said as I realized that it was wordplay on Trudy and Ryan, but not with the letters in the right order. T and R from Trudy and A, Y and N from Ryan.
Trudy’s point of view
I felt weak. I was apparently sick. Some kind of fever. All I remembered was giving birth to my wonderful sweet little Taryn. It looked like Ryan had been looking after her. Zandra just left the room.
“Knock, knock.” I heard Amber say and I just smiled. Ryan was sitting next to me in the bed, holding Taryn.
“Come on in.” he called.
“I see you are better now.” Amber said smiling as she entered the room.
“Yes. I heard Dal went to sector 15. That’s suicide.” I said as I leaned on Ryan’s shoulder. I was still tired.
“Yes, but he got the antibiotics that saved your life.” Amber said as she stood close to the doorway.
“I am forever grateful for it, and I will never forget it.” I said and smiled weakly and yawned.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Amber said and left the room. I moved myself down into the bed and turned to my side so I could watch Ryan holding Taryn. It wasn’t before long I was back asleep.
A few days later in the morning
I felt a lot better. I was even excited to hold Taryn. I had gotten her that morning when her cry had waked me up. I guessed that Ryan had gotten her during the night.
“It’s okay. Mummy’s here Taryn.” I said as I held her in my arms. I fed her too while I was at it. It wasn’t the most pleasant feeling. I was glad that the antibiotics had saved me, and that I was off them at last. I’d told the tribe that I’d named Taryn, Taryn. I’d also told them that I didn’t know who Taryn’s father was, even though it was a lie. I felt that it was still none of their business who her father was. All they needed to know was that she was my daughter. I had noticed that it would be hard for them not to notice soon that Taryn’s father is Ryan, because she looks a lot like him, already, and she’s only a week old.
“Good morning.” Ryan said as he was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I just smiled as I was trying to get Taryn to burp. When Taryn had burped I put her in a stroller that Dal had made for me. It was so sweet of him.
“Ryan?” I asked as I looked at him.
“Yeah.” He answered as he yawned and stood up and stretched himself out.
“You asked what I meant with it’s yours. Well here’s the thing…” I trailed of as the kids and Salene walked past the door. I didn’t want anyone to hear.
“What?” Ryan asked as he faced me, I turned around and fussed with Taryn.
I listened for a short while to make sure no one was close by.
“You’re her dad.” I whispered in Ryan’s ear as he came close to me.
“You said what now?!” Ryan asked surprised and I just smiled as I picked Taryn up.
“You heard me. And think about it. Think about the timing.” Was all I said as I carried Taryn in my arms to keep her satisfied. I went to the café where the others were. And I hoped that Ryan wouldn’t start talk about the fact that he was Taryn’s father. As I sat down in the café Ryan left our room and headed my way. I thought it looked like he had something to say, and he probably had.
“Trudy, can I talk to you?” Ryan asked and I just looked at him. I didn’t want to talk about Taryn at this moment. But I didn’t answer, and before Ryan had time to ask again Lex was bugging me.
“So you interested?” Lex asked me and I glared at him.
“Lex, I won’t hesitate to neuter you if I have to. So take a hike.” I said which earned me laughter from everyone in the café. Lex however was furious and stomped off. I didn’t care. He wasn’t going to keep hitting on me, because I was in love with Ryan.
“Trudy?” Ryan asked to get my attention I nodded and faced him, trying to keep Taryn from crying by letting her suck on my finger, because I couldn’t find her dummy. When Ryan stayed quiet I went back to speaking to Taryn.
“Where’s Bray?” one of the girls asked, I just shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea and I didn’t care.
“Kids, have you seen Bray?” Amber asked them and they just answered with a no.
“Where could he have gone off to?” Amber asked no one in particular. I had grabbed a bowl and was eating cereals. Dry. It wasn’t exactly the tastiest thing to eat, but it was what it was.
“There you are!” Zandra said as she came walking over to me.
“Here I am.” I answered as I ate more of the dry cereal and at the same time tried to keep Taryn happy, it wasn’t working, because she was starting to fuss.
“Have you talked?” Zandra asked, and I knew instantly what she meant so I nodded smiling.
“So what do you want Zan?” I asked as I was trying to keep Taryn from crying but it wasn’t working. Ryan had gone off and was now back, with a stroller. I put her in it and rolled the stroller back and forth with my foot while I ate. It helped fairly well to have a stroller to put Taryn in.
“Ryan?” I asked as I looked up, he was sitting next to me, stuffing his face with cereals.
“Yeah.” he said with food in his mouth.
“Manners Ryan.” I heard Zandra say before I managed to ask him where he’d gotten the stroller.
“Where did you get the stroller?” I asked when Zandra had turned her attention to something else.
“Over there.” Ryan said and pointed to the baby store that I hadn’t noticed until it’d been pointed out to me.
“Oh, I didn’t know that there was a baby store here.” I said as I looked over at the store. When I’d finished eating my breakfast I headed over to the baby store with Taryn in the stroller. The store was located between the end of the café and the art store. It wasn’t big, but it had a lot of baby clothes at least. This made me happy. It meant that Taryn wouldn’t need to be naked, which she was most of the time, except for the nappy.
“Let’s see if we can find you something to wear.” I said to Taryn as I picked her up from the stroller, but I put her back down in it again, since it would be easier for me to pick out clothes for her. I found a few onesies in some fun patterns. I took them all and put them in the stroller, but first I dressed Taryn in one, there was pink with hearts on it. I thought it was the cutest. When I’d dressed her I put her back in the stroller, I’d also found dummies. I’d given her one. I’d also found some other useful things.
I was stalking around the mall, bored, not knowing what to do, except for feeding Taryn and checking and changing her diaper when needed.
“Trudy?” Amber asked me as I passed the sweet shop, it looked like she was moving in there. I stopped and looked in and said. “Yes.”
“I was wondering, how is Taryn?”
“She’s fine Amber. What do you really want?” I asked scrutinizing her.
“I know you said you didn’t know who Taryn’s father is. But I am still wondering. Could it be Ryan?” Amber asked and I did all I could to keep a straight face so I wouldn’t blow my own lie.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but no.” I said as I left Amber and stalked around the mall some more. I hope that Ryan hadn’t overheard it, but since I hadn’t seen him, I guessed he hadn’t. When I thought of it. I hadn’t seen him since breakfast and it was now dinner time. I’d passed a few hours with reading after lunch when Taryn was asleep.
“Trudy?” someone asked and I looked up from the book and it was Lex.
“What do you want?” I asked a bit annoyed.
“Have you seen Ryan?” he asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders. I still hadn’t seen Ryan.
“Then where is he?” Lex asked and I just stared at him, and at that second Taryn decided to wake up.
“I don’t know, and you woke up Taryn, so leave.” I said as I picked Taryn up from the stroller that I was using as a cot instead of the basket. Lex left, because when I looked up he wasn’t there. I went over to the door opening and pulled the curtain door closed and made sure that the curtain in the window was closed too. I was going to feed Taryn, and I wanted privacy.
“Trudy?” someone asked, it sounded like Salene.
“What is it? I’m busy.” I answered as I looked down at Taryn and switched side.
“I was wondering if you wanted to help with making the dinner.” Salene said and I couldn’t decide. I was a bit distracted. When I’d finished feeding Taryn I was trying to get her to burp, it didn’t take too long thankfully.
“Sure I can help, just let me change Taryn’s nappy.” I said as I put her on the bed and took out the clean nappies and changed her. I’d gotten good at changing her nappy now that it didn’t take me long at all.
“There you go sweetie.” I said to Taryn and put her in the stroller which I took with me out to the café so that I could help with the dinner while keeping an eye on my daughter.
“So, what we making?” I asked as I entered the café.
“I was going to make a pie and gravy.” Salene said, and it looked like she had more to say.
“But I don’t have enough water to make the gravy.” Salene said, and I just smiled.
“We can use my ration.” I said as I helped with making the gravy. It smelled wonderful. Everyone had sat down at the tables in the café, and Ryan had shown up again.
“Where have you been?” I asked and quirked an eyebrow.
“Nowhere in particular.” Ryan answered which bugged me slightly, but I didn’t push it. I was too busy with trying to keep Taryn from crying. She was hungry. Since I didn’t want to feed her around the others. Because of this I went and got the bottle and some formula that Bray had found and made it and warmed it up for Taryn and fed it to her. It kept her quiet and let me eat my dinner.
After dinner I headed to my room with Taryn in the stroller. After I’d burped her, she’d fallen asleep.
“Trudy?” I heard someone ask. I looked up and it was Amber.
“Come in.” I said as I picked up one of the books I’d been reading earlier.
“How is Taryn?” Amber asked and I looked at my sleeping daughter.
“She’s just fine. Growing fast.” I answered as I opened the book and started reading it.
“Did you know Ryan has been spending all of the day outside?” Amber asked me and I looked at her and just shrugged my shoulders and went back to my book.
“I’ll leave you to your book.” Amber said and left.
“Hey.” Ryan said as he entered the room. He closed the curtain after him. To give us privacy. I just smiled as I put down the book. Ryan sat down on the bed and leaned in and kissed me.
“Yes Ryan.” I said smiling with a smile that went from one ear to the other.
“I love you, and Taryn. I want us to be a family.” Ryan said and I was still smiling.
“We are a family already.” I told him with a bright smile.
“I know, but I want to make it official.”
“How?” I said and cocked an eyebrow.
“Well if you’d stop interrupting me.” Ryan started to say when I said sorry.
“It’s okay. But please stay quiet for a second.” Ryan said with some frustration in his voice. I nodded.
“I love you, and I want to spend my life with you, the rest of my life. With you, and our daughter. What I am trying to say is, will you marry me?”