PHOENIX (working title, discussion thread, idea/wish collecting)

Did Dee ever mention to be from Britain to them? Not or? (In Germany we couldn’t even notice dhe sounded so much different…
We only got to know from Kika that the actress wasn’t from NZ)

No I don’t think so.

Then I have an idea now for a Dee pretribe thing… Yay! :grin:

One time sleeping till “FLAME” I swear after that chapter you all want to adopt Toby​:joy::grin:

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I already do.

My sister already wants me to do a story faaar in the future we’re Toby, Brady, Leo are in the age of the older ones :joy: she wants to know how they turn out to be​:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Ahhhhhh… Jack :no_mouth: what are you doing? :flushed: LOL…

And Dee… :no_mouth:

And baaaad Falcon :eyes: confusing poor Trudy! Baaaaaaaaad! :see_no_evil:

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Oooo you tease.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I am just bored… Here at last I’ve got a feeling of talking with people… I am already talking to my characters :eyes::no_mouth: that whole Corona stuff is not good for my psych :sweat_smile::rofl:


It’s not good for any of our mental health, but at least you’re keeping busy, being productive. It’s very admirable. I can’t wait to read the new chapters, especially with the mention of my girl Dee. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I am used to shielding in the flu season anyway… But this year… Well… But it always could be worse.

Dee has a moment already in the next chapter :grin:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Hell just found notes of an old role play I was in… Some serious sick stuff. Poor Bray having been mixed up with several girls for everyone wanted to have the couple they always wanted to see… He ends up with children. of Amber, Danni, Trudy, Salene… God I know why I dropped out of that :rofl::rofl::rofl::eyes:

3 times sleeping till the new chapter… Big hooray :tada::crazy_face:

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2 times sleeping… Awwww… I am curious what you readers think about it… :see_no_evil:

1 time sleeping… Awwww I wish Toby was a real little boy❤️

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I hope you’re in for a treat (no trick) tomorrow… :grin::crazy_face:

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I see what you did there. :ghost:

Huh? I’d be very surprised if you would know what I wrote into the chapter… :scream::flushed:

Two nights till the partyyyyy… :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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I need to read last weeks. Hope to read that today.

:grin:You will like the girls… Ahhh Salene is getting maybe some new npc? Uhuuuuu… Good choice… :joy:Better then well…