The Quote Game

Ellie to Jack? (In german at last it would mean something like that…)

Not Ellie either :slight_smile:

Slade to Ebony?

No, not Slade either :slight_smile:

Ebony to Bray :thinking:(it’s almost always guessing for me for I mostly only know the german text :joy:but here she definitely tells him something like that in 2 on the pool​:thinking:)

It wasn’t Ebony

Oh poop, I don’t know ummmm… Ved?

haha nope, but getting closer season wise

Was it Ram?

nope, not Ram

Early s4… Early season 4…dumdumdummm…who wants someone to lighten up :thinking:

Ufff… :thinking:

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How about Cloe?

Nope, it’s someone you wouldn’t expect it from I guess

Hmmm :thinking: JAVA?

Pride? :thinking: Maybe to Amber?

No, neither one of those

Hell… Oh great supreme mother… Mighty Zoot… Forgive our stupidity!!! (:joy:)

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ok ok I’ll grant you a hint :joy:

It’s after someone suffered from (mild) electrocution

Is it Dal?

nope, it isn’t Dal