The guy starts speaking.
“Hello everyone. My name is Corin”
The hall erupts in laughter and people pointing out how obvious it is that they know his name. I just stand there with a slight grin as I had no idea. I think to myself how silly that is because I know he’s the most popular kid in the school.
Corin beckons for the hall to be quiet again.
“Now I know it’s up my self but my friends and I made the decision that I should try and coodinate this meeting. I will let everyone have a fair go at speaking and telling me what you think should happen in our future…”
A girl near the front speaks up
“What future? Have you forgotten we’re incompetent children”
Some people laughed. Some people scoffed.
Corin starts to speak over the noise
“Hey come on! It doesn’t matter what age we are. It’s not our fault that this happened either. I know what, everyone knows that what happened to the adults was shit. It’s happened and there is nothing we can do to bring them back. We have to get on with our lives and form something of a working community. Otherwise we aren’t going to survive for very long. Now I know we will all have different opinions. That’s why it think we need at least someone leading this meeting today. And if you don’t want that, fine. Argue with each other. Cause more unneeded havoc. All of us can survive if we just work together. We have livestock and farms. We have shelter and warmth of fires. We have running water and land that goes on for miles. The city is so far away so we have none of the chaos that’s happening there. And I know it’s happening. Before the wifi got disconnected was in contact with a friend who lives there. He tells me that buildings are trashed and burnt, every store looted, people sick and weak through the streets. Power at no balance. Do you want that to happen to us?”
Everyone was silent for a moment. Then people started saying no. I piped up a small “no”. Even though I’m so passionate about have a working society I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself. It’s amazing how people are listening to this guy even though I’m sure not many people like him. He definitely has some presence
Corin smiled at everyone.
“Well I don’t want that to happen either. So today I’m going to lead the discussion. If someone else would want to lead it another day that would be okay. I don’t think we need a set leader right now or ever. It never worked for the adults so would it even work for us?”
Everyone responded with a mixture of responses.
“Okay. So before we come up with different ideas to keep our town a peaceful and happy town to live in I just to tell everyone, that no one here is useless or doesn’t have talent. We will all take part in making this town and great and place to live!”
The hall erupted into a wave of cheer. Corin stood at the front grinning to his mates. I just stood there with a smile on my face and turned to Genesis. "Wow this Corin guy doesn’t actually seem half bad. It seems like he actually cares about the future of this town"
Corin hushes the hall again.
“Okay so I’m going to ask you to put your hand up if you have any suggestions or ideas. If you want you can come up to the front of hall and say them. If don’t want to that’s fine too”
I watch as dozens of hands spring up into the air