A Beginning RPG Info and OOC thread

You birthed this roleplay, I say go for it! Give us names :heart_eyes:

I’m also okay with a natural selection of the power going out. Either way it gives people the opportunity to plot moving in together and such.

Now about the town security… they building a gate/fence? Having patrols?


@Eagle this is your baby, so you name them whatever you want :slight_smile:

@Patch I was going to wait til we got to that point and offer to have Prometheus begin doing security patrols. lol


:kissing_heart: @Catha

Just making sure I wasn’t forcing everyone into something :hugs:

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This is all sounds ever so exciting. I need to start reading from the beginning … I did try before, let’s see how I get on this time … watch this space. I may join you lovely lot. :heart:


I know. But i am sure we will work this out with hearing everyone :wink:

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Yeah I think some sort of security should be a thing. Do we want to imply it after something happens like say a gang raids the town or do we just want to have the characters figure they need it, say particularly if the power goes out? I dunno how that would effect it lol but basically what I mean is should the town have the common sense the set up some security measures or should an event cause the town to put up those measures?

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So the main places we have are our country town and our main city. If there are any other locations we want to add like another city in another direction or town or beach or anything lemme know. If you have a name for it as well lemme know :slight_smile:

Our town: Minbadurra

The city: Beeten

Is everyone okay with those names? If not suggest awayy :grin:


For the security, what if Eve sees the guy who attacked her again and this time with friends. Corin gets informed about it. Prometheus can offer or be assigned to the detail

As for other things. It would be cool if a group of characters happened across a beach when Spring comes or we jump to it down the road
@Eagle @Catha


Ahaha that would be a nice idea but where it’s set it’s not close to the coast at all :slight_smile:

There is chance of road trips though but it’s unlikely due to lack of fuel

Perhaps a lake then?

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Yeah that’s possible

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I’m gonna join, I have decided. RPGing is all very new to me. This will my first with a OC.

Just reading atm, stop posting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nearly halfway, I’m on post 200. Happy to still read all but could anyone put together a summary/recap of so far. This may draw some more people in who do not have the time to read the whole thing like I do. :laughing:


It’s only been approximately a month since the last adult died. Corin stepped up to lead and called a meeting at school early in May. They decided to take a poll if everyone’s concerns and move on from there.

There was a farmer’s market a couple weeks after that and not much happened just setting up the rp and dynamic between people. Now they’re doing a late harvest, salvaging as much as they can before Winter settles in.

Ooh now, wonder where our precious Claire, cartographer extraordinaire and snubber of (metaphorical) olive branches , has gone off to…


Hey everyone!

I was wondering

Since this is set in Australia and I assume a lot of you aren’t from there would anyone like any facts or things about Australia to make it kinda localised or should we keep it in the general way it is so it doesn’t really centre it in Australia? :slight_smile:

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Yes please

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I think that would would be rather useful.

I am sure someone made reference to Zoot, but to be fair Ray did say the TT was never set in a particular country.

Facts would be fine, so we can decided if we keep posts in generell or have more details in it… :wink:

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Alrighty! Well what would you like to know?

what about plants… anything that grow perfect or maybe not?

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