PHOENIX (working title, discussion thread, idea/wish collecting)

I just finished writing chapter 36 of ALL OF ME, means I have a head up before posting… I have to look how writing on two different things works… But if I get some chapters done I could maybe only post one chapter per week to ALL OF ME and eould then post on another day of the week on this s4 story… To give me more time to write proper chapters

Ahhh love the ideas. It took me years, but now i really like the idea of Alice and Ryan as a couple

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I always thought they would match but have never seen them as couple in any story. So I just tried that for ALL OF ME and really like it.

I am unsure what to do with Pride :thinking: I wrote now and let him NOT go back into the city but stay with Trudy so that he can help Bray fight off those attacking Technos… But then… Do I send him back? Do I match him with Tai-San? :thinking: What about Lex then? Or let him stay with the ECOS so maybe him and Trudy get a go? :thinking:

The Guardian and Luke :thinking: hmmm


So…here is a god…that is just the very first draw for the first chapter…but I need to know how this feels for readers…the writing is a bit more…fast paced…to mirror the hectic and panic the invasion of the TECHNOS brings. I have done some slight changes to the episode they appear…

I also have some ideas for titles like “LIKE PHOENIX FROM THE ASHES” or “ON THE WINGS OF A PHOENIX” or “THE CRY OF THE PHOENIX” ???

So let me know…what you think…

Chapter 1 „The birth“

A noise unheard for many moons brushed through the air. Birds flew along the blue sky in uproar, seagulls on the harbour and beach screeched with panic. The animals weren’t used anymore to such a noise. Nature had started to claim the spaces that once had been ruled by the humans and the sky was a part of it.

„Hawk? What is that?“ the called man looked high into the sky, searching „I…that can’t be…or?“ confused he stared at the other elders of their tribe „I don’t know…“ A woman with long black hair whispered, looking high. Another loud sound brushed over them and on instinct all members of the tribe that lived in the wood, searched shelter in their huts. „That is impossible…“ Hawk stared after the plane that had just soared miles above them „They are going for the city…maybe…maybe…adults?“ „I…“ „Let me lok! I can run after and scout it out!“ „NO! NO Hunter! You’ll stay here…“ „But what if it are adults?“ „And what if it are invaders again? No…we all stay here! Safe!“ the leader looked around „That is an order. Whoever of you dares to leave , will have to leave the tribe. Our safety comes first!“ Hunter stared after the leader full of disgust, about the way his leader seemed not to care for the citys fate.

Painful screams sounded out of the old barn. Inside the former leader of the Mall Rats was caring for his pregnant mate „Amber…come here…“ gently he helped her sitting a little, to be able to let her drink „I…it is too early…“ she sobbed then in his arms „Some weeks is no big deal…I read all about such details when Trudy was pregnant. I wanted to be prepared…“ He grabbed her face „Don’t worry…don’t forget I have already done that once!“ „You…yeah…but not ME!“ she huffed, clenching her fingers around his arm „Oh I hate you Bray!“ „Okay…if that makes you feel better…“ he whispered, stroking her hair back. He kissed her forehead softly „We will do this…together…“ „It is me doing the work here!“ she flared up, holding then at once again onto him when a new wave of pain crushed over her. „Amber…let me look a moment okay? So I can see how far your cevix is open…“ „Don’t…please hold me…“ Looking deeply in her eyes he whispered „I am not leaving…we can do this…but I need to check…hold my hand, okay?“ he let her press one hand, while he carefully dressed off her trouser and undergrament. „I am going to lay my jacket under you…“ reculant she let go of his hand. He undressed his jacket and carefully placed it under her, wrappin git a little around then even, so that she wouldn#t feel too exposed. Inwardly he cursed himself that he hadn#t made Ebony at last give him more time to collect things to take with. A blanket, more water, food, cleanign stuff, clothes to change. His child would be born with literally nothing, after he had promised Amber that he would care for his family. If ever possible, Ebony would pay. This was the final step. Next time he would have her head and no one would stop him them from taking the snake’s head off. At once his heart clenched painfully, losing himself in hatred was not his way. But it wasn’t easy after what the ex LOCO queen had put them through. The he cralwed back beside her to embrace her. He pressed his lips to her ear „It will take a while…it is only opening…first births often take a while…I know the pain makes you feel like bursting. But don’t press already. It isn’t that far…so when a contradiction comes, press my hand instead…“ „Okay…“ she whispered back in a hushed voice.

„They can’t be so far already Pride…Amber never makes it miles of walk…“ The woman changed the hold on her daughter on her arms. The girl was too heavy to carry for miles. But she couldn’t let go of her, not when they were out in the wild. Her companion turned to her „I know Trudy, but don’t forget Bray is an advanced scout…maybe he already had a place in his mind. Think…did he ever speak about a place in the countryside he knew? He wanted to leave the city right after the virus or? But then he found you…“ „Hmmm…I more found him or searched his help. But yes…he wanted to leave, but he never told me more, for with me that was no question anymore. She looked up at Pride „The farm!“ „What?“ „Alice and Ellie…they came from a farm around here…come…maybe Bray chose to try there…“ „Okay…“ suddenly a loud noise sounded over their heads and on instinct Pride surrounded mother and daughter with his arms and pressed them down to the ground „Mommy? Is that?“ the little girl stared fascinated after the soaring plane in the sky „I…it…Pride? Do you see that too?“ The man with the long black dread locks nodded with an open mouth.

„Bray…what…do you hear that too?“ „Yes…it…sounds familiar…“ „It sounds like a plane…“ she clenched his hand again. Checking on her again he looked then up when another noise thundered above them „Amber…I will have a look…“ „No…Bray…please…don’t…“ he leant to her „I have to make sure. What if it means danger?“ „More reason to stay with me…“ „I am just looking…I need to know…nothing will happen to me…“ he kissed her forehead softly and stroke her belly gently „I will bring more water too…we will need it…“ That at last made sense and so she let him go.

Back in the city Lex screamed through the mall „Tai-San?“ That couldn’t be, she couldnt be gone. Not now. Not when they were supposed to be save and happy. „They got her Lex…how often again?“ Jack shouted. Lex grabbed his arms „I’ve got to find her! I’ve got to…If I must blow that goddamn city up I will…“ „LEX!“ a cry made him turn fast around. Running down the stairs when he realized it was his wife crashing into the mall „Oh god…you’re save…“ He pulled her in his arms and the asian girl cried with relief „I…those people…they…jump down otu of planes…they wear silver masks…whats going on?“ „I don’t know…they seemingly got Alice, May, KC…we thought they had you too…“ „No I hid…what’s Ebony doing?“ „Knowing her? Probably making deals with them already?!“ The rest of the Mall Rats looked uneasy at each other. „Wait…were are Trudy and Pride?“ „Gone to search Amber and Bray…“ „Oh…at last they are save then…“ „Hopefully…“ Jack mumbled. When all looked at him, he shrugged „Well…what if they also took over the countryside?“ Again uneasy looks were exchanged between the members of the tribe.

„Pride…just go back…May is…“ „May can look after herself…Trudy…you and Brady…I can’t let you walk alone here…not when there is someone around attacking…“ „Okay…“ She grabbed his arm „PRIDE!“ they saw some people land in parachutes and hurried to hide behind some trees. The people were wearing silver masks. Confused they looked at each other „Do you think we should meet them?“ „No…I think we should get away…“ Pride pulled her deeper into the trees with him.

Inside the barn Bray was sponging Ambers forehead softly „It is all fine…it will be good…you’re doing great…“ „Bray…that noise…?“ „It…it was nothing…maybe someone uses an old truck and it backfired. You know that some farmer kids here still have some fuel to use…“ he lied uneasily. But it would mean too much stress now to tell her of planes „Bray…there is something wrong…I don’t think it is supposed to feel that way…“ she breathed exhausted. He checked again „I can’t see anything so far…it takes a while…I am sorry…“ His blood froze when he noticed blood on his fingers. „AMBER!“ her eyes fluttered and he hurried to take her in his arms „Please…Amber…breath…in…out…come…we…we can do this. We have too…“ „I…Bray I …I am so tired…“ „Only a while more…imagine…soon we hold our baby, hmm? We will be a happy little family…“ „You will protect us?“ „Of course…with my life…“ „Don’t say it like that please…“ she breathed and screamed then in agonizing pain. Bray held her, unable for any clear thought. Outside were some strangers with planes. His girl was giving birth and there was no one who could help them.

„Trudy…listen…“ Pride held his finger to his lips. „Do you hear that?“ „I am only hearing those planes…“ „No…from there…look…there is a barn…“ Trudy looked excited, hearing then a soft sob „Yes…oh come…that must be them…I fear she is in labour…“ „Let’s hurry…“ But then four of the strangers came from the other side and made it into the barn „Damn…Trudy…you stay here…“ Pride rushed on, knowing that Bray would need his help.

„Who are you?“ Shielding Amber, Bray stood broad shouldered against the four invaders. „Get them…“ „What do you want with us?“ Bray hit out after one of them when they grabbed for him and groaned when an electrical power cursed through him „BRAY!“ Amber tried to sit up more „Please…we aren’t dangerous…please…don’t hurt him…“ „Shut up bitch…get her…“ One of the guys advanced near to her, but Bray fought his unstable legs and jumped up, launching his body onto the others „You won’t touch her…“ he knocked the guy out with a hard hit onto the neck, but groaned then in pain when a new electrical lightning cursed through him „Don’t…“ Amber crawled close to Bray and helped him up to sit. „Bray…don’t…please…please…don’t risk your neck…“ He embraced her tightly „She is giving birth you assholes…I don’t know what you want here…but we have nothing to give you!“ „Scan them…“ Bray recoiled when a red laser run along him and Amber „What…what are you doing there…?“ A beep sounded up „Why…that is interesting now…Bray and Amber…from the Mall Rats…LEADERS! So sorry guys…but that means a journey far off and away…The better for us guys. General Jay is going to reward us big time for that catch. We don’t need to care for our quota any more with catching those two!“ he nodded at his other two people, the fourth of them still out cold. Beside her pain, Amber wondered what a cold hearted group they must be, to not even care for one of their own being hurt. It made her worry, that when they were heartless with their own people, how they then would be with prisoners. At that moment her worry wasn’t alone for her baby, but also for Bray, who she knew would never stop fighting for their sake. They grabbed both hard, Bray fighting his best to not be separated from her „Please…let…let us just…stay here…let her give birth to our baby…whatever you then want to do…“ „Leaders aren’t wanted…precisely orders from our lordship“ „We aren’t leaders any more…please…“ Bray watched desperate how one guy pulled Amber up, she could barely stand. „Please…“ he fought against the grab of the other, but two times of electrical power used on him had highly weakened him. His eyes met hers and she shook her head. Knowing what he would say. But he couldn’t do else. He had sworn to protect her and their baby “Please! I am coming with you! No fight…I…you’re right…I am a leader…I…I can convince people to follow…” Amber shook her head again. The leader of the group looked at him “Cab you? Why should we need that?” “Well…I don’t know what quota you meant…but wouldn’t it look good to not bring two leaders, one of them pregnant with a bay, but a group of…strong people?” It was fishing for a chance, but the other man seemed to take his words into account.

“He isn’t stupid Gordon…what do we need a mommy for? She is of no use!” “Hmmm…okay…I can’t see blood anyway…let her here…” The one holding Amber, pushed her down the straw again “NO!” “You said you won’t fight…” The leader of the strangers grabbed Bray by the hair “You didn’t say we should help her first…need to learn to make some better deals, hmm? Bray?” Full of anger Bray stared at him “You think you’re some big one, coming by plan, jumping down, hmm? Face me man on man and we will see who is the better…” “Sorry but I am not stupid…” “No maybe not but a coward!” Bray groaned under another wave of electrical energy hitting him.

„HEY! Look here!“ A voice sounded up and the three attackers turned. Brays eyes met Prides and with an almost otherworldly understanding both moved to the same time, using the surprise to knock one of them out and grab for those laser weapons, that had hurt Bray several times now. Without thinking Bray shot one, while Pride hit the last one cold out with a stone he had taken up. Hardly breathing the former Mall Rat leader looked at him „Thanks…“ „No problem…“ Pride gasped „Bray!“ Amber screamed breaking down into her knees, Bray moved on his knees beside her “I am here…it is okay…we’re save right now…shh…shhh…“ he rocked softly with her in his arms. His eyes met Prides „Pride…“ Taking in Ambers pain, he nodded „Don’t worry…a moment…“ Bray breathed in happy relief when after some moments Trudy skidded down beside him, giving Brady to Pride. She kissed Brays forehead „Don’t worry…don’t worry…we help her…it will be fine…you helped me…so now I help her , while you hold her…okay? That’s what she needs more now!“ Pride rushed around using the rope he always had in his rucksack to tie up the attackers. Brady sat aside, watching with big eyes.

„Trudy…Trudy…it is so hard…“ „I know girl…I know…but we’ve got this now…“ She checked and looked then worried at Bray who felt panic at once, for her hand was full of blood, just like his had been. „Amber…I…I see the head…yes…your baby is fighting…you have to fight too okay? Push…“ Amber screamed, holding onto Bray „I can’t…I can’t…something…it feels like there is…a barrier…I…“ „YOU CAN AMBER!“ Bray whispered in her ear, he moved behind her, making her back rest to his chest, supporting her arms with his knees. Pride watched wide eyed. „Come on Eagle…remember what Dove told you about the birth?“ „The soon you look at your baby the pain is forgotten…“ she mumbled weakly „Exactly!“ Trudy nodded „Come…push again…press Brays hands…press them hard…give him some of the pain you feel…“ Bray felt like his hands might break, but he held hers strongly. „I so…make you pay for this here Bray…“ „You do?`How?“ „I…I…I will let you do all the dirty stuff with the baby!“ He chuckled softly „Okay…deal…“ She sighed a little when he kissed her ear „I am here…just insult me if you want to…I love you. You’re amazing…you’ve got this…“ She screamed with another contradiction pressing again and let her head lean exhausted against Brays chest when Trudy cheered „YEAH! It is out…it is a boy!“ A strong first cry sounded up, making both parents alight with joy „A boy…“ the new mother breathed, her hands slowly slipping from Brays. „Go and get him Bray…“ Carefully he rested her back and crawled over where Trudy was carefully washing the baby. He roamed his bag and found the little sharp army knife he had packed. Trudy watched in approval when he lightened up an old firelighter and moved it along the knife before he cared for the babies cord. „You were prepared!“ „Well…I have done it before, so with more time I would have taken more with me. I packed the knife in the last moment. .Without those…whatever they are…attacking us…“ he muttered under his breath, taking his still crying son then up „Hello little man…that was quiet some entrance into the world, hmm?“ The baby at once stopped crying, stretching a little in his blanket „He…he is perfect Amber…absolutely perfect…“ Bray breathed with adoration, staring at the little face. He moved back to her „Here…“ still looking at their son he wanted to reach him to her „Amber?“ Pride moved down closer to her „Amber? Trudy…what is with her?“ „Guys…tscha…“ In disapproval she stared at both men „This was a hard birth! She is exhausted…“ „But shouldn’t she hold him…?“ Pride was used to birth in the ECO camp. Knowing the first moments of holding the baby were magic for the mothers. Bray nestled down to her, their baby between them „Amber?“ „Hmm?“ her eyes fluttered open „Here…meet our little boy…and then you both sleep a bit, hmm?“ „Hmmm…hello baby boy…“ she mumbled, pressing her lips to the baby’s head „Sorry but mommy is a mess right now…“ „Sleep Amber…Pride and me take care for those people here…and then we all stay here over night, okay? Tomorrow we can talk…“ „Hmmm…okay…and…Bray?“ „Yes?“ „I didn’t mean that…I don’t hate you. I love you…“ she was almost already sleeping, he smiled, giving her lips a soft kiss „I love you…both of you. I am proud of both of you…sleep well…“ he kissed the baby softly and helped then Pride to tie the guys again up outside to some tree.

Outside the city on the old observatory place EAGLE MOUNTAIN a group of the masked invaders rushed along, full-filling the orders of their leader. He was nothing like a leader any in the city had ever seen. Sitting in a wheelchair he gave the impression to be weak. But the guard around him, all of them weaponed up with lasers was so expressive, that it would intimate anyone. “Ah EAGLE MOUNTAIN…fabled place of all a man’s fantasy…” Two of his men exchanged a smirk. In their eyes a ‘man’s fantasy’ would not contain some old observatory, but maybe rather some sexy woman. But on the other hand, their leader was quiet different. “Java, Siva?” Two female masked people, looking quiet the same under their more elegant masks stepped up in front of him “Yes your lordship?” “You know what to do…I want that place cleaned from every speck of dust…” One of them nodded “We will make sure of it…meanwhile…take place in the tent we let built up…” The other woman took hold of the wheelchair and pushed it into a white tent. It was a medical tent, left over from the times of the pandemic. It was closed all around, absolutely germ proof. The perfect place to wait for their disabled leader. “Thanks ladies…you two really never disappoint me…” He took of his mask, his dark eyes settling on the two woman who smiled a bit. “We know our stuff…” the woman who was bit taller told him, the two turned and left the tent again.

The leader stared at his face in the mirror. His dark hair stood up in spikes, which tips were dyed red. The most out of order thing on him was the big red ‘T’ on his forehead. Checking if there was any sign of contamination on his face, he then took up his headset. “General Jay? How is the status?” A calm voice sounded up “Master Ram…first step successfully achieved, second in the making.” “Are the people fighting?” “Not many of them…most ran away. What is of course how I planned it. They will be so scared, hiding away. Separated. They will be easy to take over…” “Careful Jay…after what our spies told us here are some strong leaders…” “We got most of them rounded up…” “What about that Ebony?” “No one has seen her so far…maybe she still is just in the hotel?” “Take care for her…she is dangerous after what my wives told me…” “I will…how is it going on EAGLE MOUNTAIN?” “What do you care? This is my base here…my work. You do yours!” The leader flared ending the call. On no account he would trust too much to Jay. He was too clever for his own good. He was good looking and a fighter. If the leader knew one thing it was that you had to keep such people low or they would over shine you, no matter if he himself was the more clever one.

The general sighed. He stood in the city, supervising the last transporters filled with people leaving. “General?” “Yes Zoom?” “What are we doing with that people? I mean…so many?” “We need workers for energy and people to test our programs.” “But…wouldn’t it be cleverer to maybe try to coax people into it? We bring energy and running water…don’t you think people might be thankful and eager to work with us?” The good looking general looked confused at the smaller silver haired man beside him. Zoom was a more frail built man. With his silver hair and the silver coloured lenses he wore, he seemed to be almost alien like. But still he was one of the more human in their tribe. “Don’t voice that ever again! How dare you thinking you know better then our master? Better then me?” He pushed the man around “Now go and search the others, enter the hotel like we spoke about!” “Sorry general…”

“He is too soft Jay…” another guy with blond hair like the generals stepped up close beside him “I know…but he is one of the best hackers…” “He loves virts…” the younger guy sneered, taking off his mask. His face looked almost like the generals, only that he was younger, his face a bit more boy-like and slight differences like a more cruel line around the lips and a more evil gleam in the eyes. “No he doesn’t Ved!” the general told him sharply. “ He just has another way of thinking…but he still follows his orders, more correct then you, mind?!” “Goddamnit Jay…were you really born with a stick in your ass? Were is the fun with always following the rules?” Jay smirked down on him “Well…there you go…this behaviour of you is why I am the general…” “No you’re just older! And boring. I mean…why not do something out of the program for once?!” “Well…I tell you why…because I WROTE the program little brother…”

In the late afternoon the new born baby cried loudly. Hurring to take him from his mothers side, Bray rocked the baby softly “Shhh…shhh…awww…hungry?” Softly he shook his love “Amber? Our boy asks for his mommy…” he smiled at the crying baby, just and only relieved that after all he had been born safely. When she didn’t wake up, he shook her again “Amber?” His eyes drift a second over her face. “AMBER?! TRUDY! PRIDE!” he shouted, what made the other two hurry in. They had given the little family a bit more privacy, so that Bray could rest a little too. “What’s the matter?” “Look at her…she is hot and sweaty…and…and…I can’t wake her…” Pride kneeled down feeling her head “Amber?” he shook her “AMBER? EAGLE? Can…you hear us?” Amber didn’t move “Her breathing is very …low…” the ECO mumbled, his eyes meeting Bray’s in shock. “No!” Leaning closer he stroke her cheek softly “No…Amber…please…please open your eyes…come…for me…for our boy…” he kissed her softly. Still no reaction from her. Trudy clapped a hand over her mouth, tears springing to her eyes. “Mommy?” Brady had woken up, after the adults being loud and pointed a finger on Ambers legs. Trudy screamed. There was fresh blood again. Running down the ex leaders legs. “Oh my god…!” Pride hurriedly reached over to catch Brays son when he almost slipped from his arms. “No…nonono…” Bray muttered, crawling down. He looked at her , lifting his blanket from her underbody. Like in trance he reached for another blanket that Trudy had had with her and pressed it down on the body “Trudy…hold it…tight…” “O-okay…” he crawled back to Ambers face “My love…come…don’t give up…we will help you…just…just…don’t give up…” He kissed her again, holding her a moment. Then he looked at Pride “The ECOS…we need to go there…please!”

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so now…already done a charatcerlist…and changed the chapter a slightly bit…(done in some more little parts of the Mall Rats and Ebony…to make it rounder…) the question now might be…18+…?

I have read what you wrote above. :slight_smile: I like the choices made so far. Trudy was very Trudy.

I’m glad the boys took care of the Techno’s at the barn. The shocks Bray was getting, how was that happening? Was it the lasers each time?

Ram setting himself up at :eagle: mountain is intriguing, look forward to this developing. It’s interesting to also hear Jay ‘wrote the program.’

I read it right that the Mall was invaded and Mall Rats were taken except Jack and Taisan?

Lastly I know the above is a work in progress so I hope the punctuation will be reviewed. Oh and you used the word save a few times, it should be saFe. :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Ah yeah
… My spelling program always takes the better out of me :rofl:

No the Mall Rats are in the Mall… Only reduced… Wait a second… I can post the list… That’s faster…

Jack would be get taken next chapter or in the third chapter…

Yes… I can’t find a fitting word for that laser tags the Technos used. In Germany it was called “Zappers”

Ram is to be seen in Eagle Mountain in the series too or? :thinking: And I am pretty sure Jay also states in a talk with Ved that he wrote the Programm… (actually that is why I was so confused when later they made him that soft guy who says he wants only to achieve good things…



In the city:


Cloe: 14 years, the now youngest MALL RAT has to face that love doesn’t always come gentle and sweet

Dee: 16 years, after losing her old tribe, Dee founds shelter within the mall

Ellie: 15 years, missing her older sister and unable to built up her relation to Jack for new, Ellie has to grow up in a fast pace

Jack: 15 years, doubting if being in the mall is even the right thing, Jack soon has to take many decisions

Lex: 19 years, left as the sole fighter of their tribe, the sheriff has to show that he can first think, before acting

Salene : 16 years, after her return from her search of Ryan she has to toughen up a great deal

Tai-San: 16 years, always having been a spiritual person, Tai-San has big trouble with the new invading tribe

the hotel:

Ebony: 16 years, the newly elected city leader does what she is best in, doing what serves her the best, but she also has to face her own past in the return of her sisters

TECHNOS: (also located on EAGLE MOUNTAIN)

Byte: 16 years, a female hacker of the Technos.

Cheat: 15 years, a female programmer of the Technos, twin sister of Chip

Chip: 15 years, a male programmer or the Technos, twin brother of Cheat

Jay: 19 years, the general of the Technos. Is he good at heart? Is he just as dangerous as he seems to be? Jay follows his own aims in a way

Java: 19 years, one of Rams wives, sister of Ebony and Siva

Siva: 18 years, one of Rams wives, sister of Ebony and Java

Ram: 19 years, eccentric leader of the TECHNOS. Ram has own plans of uncovering the secrets of EAGLE MOUNTAIN

Pixel: 17 years, female hacker of the TECHNOS

Zoom : 16 years, male hacker of the TECHNOS

(more of their characters will uncover with the story)

(several till now unnamed extra Technos)


Alice: 19 years, after having successful fled from the TECHNOS Alice joins the forces of the rebels around Bray and Amber

Amber: 16 years, after giving birth to her and Brays son, she recovers within the ECO camp and soon has to decide if Bray and her will lead a fight again or leave the area and start somewhere new and safe with their son

Arrow: 14 years, young Eco girl

Bray: 18 years, the former leader of the Mall Rats is torn between his love and responsibility to his tribe and his worry and love to Amber and his son. Shouldn’t he take care only for them and let the Mall Rats survive on their own?

Chase: 18 years, male ECO scout

Hawk: 19 years, the new leader of the ECOS holds some reculance against Bray and Amber, why will be revealed within the story. Will Hawk overcome his trouble and help the city?

Hunter: 18 years, male ECO scout

Luke : 17 years, after having fled from the Guardian Luke finds shelter with the rebels.

Ryan: 18 years, after having fled together with Alice, Ryan also joins the rebels

Pride: 19 years, being an even better scout and not in the same danger seemingly then Bray would be, Pride woks as the connection between city and wood, with sneaking between the places all the time.

Trudy: 16 years (with Brady two years), the young mother helped her best friend giving birth and does her best to support the new mother.

Whisper: 17 years, female Eco

(several other ECOS)

Summary: „What happened so far“ :

After beating down the Chosen, there was new trouble for the Mall Rats by building up a new society. Ebony saw her chance by destabilising Bray when Amber and Trudy had been kidnapped from Ned. She fooled Bray to give the election to her and she came of as city leader. Bray and Amber had looked through her and stood up to her. With evil relish Ebony took advantage of her new position and banned the couple from the city. Lex lead them out of the city, only giving them a small bag.

Amber was very weak and Bray had to support her. While they searched a place to stay for the night at last, Amber went into labour. Finding an old barn, Bray made her settle in there.

Suddenly a strange noise let people everywhere look up into the sky…

(It is an alternative s4 story line. There are slight changes from the start on. There will be new characters, maybe some of later series come in already, maybe old ones return. The characters list will be updated whenever necessary)

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Mwah. Yeah zappers in English too.

I’m not sure about Ram being seen at Eagle mountain. First scene is him in a car coming to the city and then down an alleyway in his chair. Can’t remember that about Jay, he could of been so interesting instead he was a wet version of Bray. Haha.

I watched some episodes this morning to check… Ram is definitely in Eagle Mountain… I remember clearly a scene where he makes Java and Siva going to clean it :thinking: for he has found dust… :thinking: Or am I stupid :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

But Jay definitely says that… It is the scene we first see Ved too… Ved is like “You’re so boring… Why do you never something out of the program… Why always follow it?” And Jay smirks “Well that’s because I wrote the program little brother…”

I make Jay a little different… I just watched those scenes again and realized that he often smirks somehow evil… And comes definitely with some bad vibes at first!

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First scene with Ram is him having that paradise vision with Siva and Java having a hot make out!

Later we see Eagle Mountain and then a scene with Ram freaking out about finding dust

I like all the groupings of characters. Ebony all alone at the hotel, aw shame. Will anyone be joining her there soon?

Wasted opportunity in the series if Ram was at Eagle mountain, I’m still not convinced it was shown they were there. :smile:

Ram also gets that hibernation chamber from there… :thinking:

Ebony is captured in the hotel… Like she is in the original s4… The Technos that work more with Jay are stationed there… While those who work more with Ram will often be in Eagle Mountain… Ram will then move into the hotel for more comfort, but still spend time working in Eagle Mountain

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Do they look like rebels? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


I like the green in both.

More importantly I noticed Trudy, Ryan and Alice’s eco names?

It’s Robin Hood inspired… I once wrote a story (Co written with a girl from Norway) (she wrote from Amber’s pov and I wrote from Brays pov) called THINKING OF YOU. It was a s5 alternative were Bray returned with some friends after fleeing from the Technos… He stayed outside the city and formed a wood Tribe with huts in the trees… He called himself ROBIN HOOD then and they rebelled against Mega… Amber fleed from the city searching that guy… And so they became the rebels outside and stayed in the woods later…

I like the idea of them really settling in kind of… And taking on safer names… You can talk about them in that names and the Technos wouldn’t have a clue who they really are🤔

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They all - only Trudy not-will have a hooded vest or jacket to cover themselves. Trudy will have an additional cape with a hood :thinking:

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Done almost with chapter two…and many scenes for later… It’s cool to be able to write on two things somehow… I can put ideas I had no place for in ALL OF ME now into that story​:see_no_evil::joy:

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Have you added in the bits to ep 1 you mentioned?