The Quote Game

Is it Danni? Doesn’t she say something like that about Ebony? (at last in the german translation she does​:joy:)

Not Danni!

Zandra about Tai-San?

No Zandra, although I could imagine her saying it!

Was it Gel?

Nope, not Gel either

Amber. maybe?

Wait Wai wait… I somehow now see Alice saying it… Or am I confused by a story I read​:thinking:? Lol

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It was Alice!
She said it to Tai-San while talking about Ebony!

Well done @Zwenja

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wohoooo…finally…lol…(like said the game is a bit of harder if you only know the german text lines…lol…)

Got to think a moment to find a line…

Here we go…

“End of story!”

Amber, I think, to Bray

Nooooope… Not Amber…

Ellie? :thinking: Just a guess.

Oh God I don’t even know anymore… Haha… Have to take a thought who it was :sweat_smile::rofl:

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Or give us a new quote :wink:

There are multiple answer to that one, as Ned, Ebony and Bray used those words to end a sentence multiple times.

I’m going for Bray though:

BRAY: I look at Brady and I…I…I think, well the world needs babies. It needs their innocence, it needs their enthusiam, it needs their freshness, it needs their love.
End of story.

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Oh I think that was the scene I had in mind… I am sure it wasn’t Ebony I had taken it from. :joy:

So @Trudy your turn.

lol :sweat_smile:

hmmz, what to choose :thinking:
I’ll go with this one:

“So how does he know they’re cannibals?”

Hmm Dal? Maybe