PREFERED NAME: Raven Carrington
DATE OF BIRTH: July 4 2001
AGE: 16
FAMILY (any siblings, cousins etc): Only child. No cousins
HAIR COLOR: Natural Red
PLAY-BY (your username here): Rory
PERSONAL FAVOURITES: Sweets, Gardening, Games, Cosmetics (Hair&Makeup) Punk rock, Animals
TALENTS: Cutting and dying hair, identifying plants and herbs, fluent in Latin, making and herbal medicine, making stuff naturally from plants
HABITS: Walks around barefoot, regularly sages her surroundings, tends to be nosy, constant offers for spiritual help, smiles even when not happy
SECRET(S): She is Wiccan and likes to do spells and rituals when no one is looking. The rest weigh heavily on her
DISLIKES: Judgmental people, seeing people hurting, the day time
FEARS: Never finding a place to fit in, being unaccepted because of her weight and beliefs
STRENGTHS: Cooking, making medicines, staying calm
WEAKNESSES: Cries when alone, self conscious about her weight, gets angered by bullies
PERSONALITY: Uplifting, likes to encourage others, she loves to teach others about using nature made things to their benefit. Raven is super friendly and loves to spread positive attitudes among those around here. She is always upbeat and smiling
BACKGROUND: Raven was adopted and raised by two moms who raised her as a Wiccan. She always dressed in dark colors and light makeup though it caused her to be outcast by her school mates. She spends her days studying natural herbal medicines and how to make them. Her true desire is to be a holistic doctor some day. She tried to find a cure for the virus but it didn’t work. The last person she saw was her best friend/kind of boyfriend (complicated) the day before he died from the virus. She wants to find somewhere she will belong and be accepted