CHARACTERS BIRTH NAME: William Corin Greythorn
DATE OF BIRTH: August 8th
AGE: nearly18
FAMILY (any siblings, cousins etc): cousins from the City, whom he has always been close with until the virus. Johnny and Mikey , the 2 boys, and Wendy their sister. Wendy is here in the town. She was sent here when the virus began, and the boys went into military academy. Corin was supposed to have gone into the academy as well after his 18th birthday, but the virus struck and all the Adults seemed to have died so fast…
He feels as if he must step up and be an active member of this, The New Tribeworld, and make his family proud.
HAIR COLOR: dark dirty blonde
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: he has thus far kept it always pretty casual. He has taken a few girls out on very formal dates during high school, but has yet to find a girl he falls head over heals in love with and opens himself up to.
PLAY-BY (your username here): ash
PERSONAL FAVOURITES: partying with his friends, playing guitar, playing sports, especially basketball, & writing.
TALENTS: athletic, witty, and a writer, but his friends dont really know that he writes.
HABITS: smiling to cover his discomfort. Running his fingers though his hair when he gets nervous or uncomfortable.

Also, Staring. He throws people off with the direct stare he has. The blue eyes make it difficult for people to keep eye contact with him for long.
SECRET(S): he writes about everything, and he has been documenting this whole thing. Also,
He has a crush on someone, but is damn scared to approach her…
DISLIKES: bullying. Ungrateful behavior. He appreciates and is kind to everyone, which is why he is so popular, and he can’t stand it when people act Entitled. Corin knows that you have to work really hard to be good at most things, even with lots of natural talent. His Dad taught him that.
FEARS: being seen as a leader but not living up to his own expectations of himself.
& Being rejected by people he really cares for.
PERSONALITY: We see a very passionate young man who feels he has something to prove, with a long history behind his family name and reputation that he feels he must live up to.
He feels protective of his family and friends.
He is secretly a closet romantic:
; but once he became an high school athlete, he took on more of a Showman-Jock persona around his peers.
He was sick for several long and scary weeks, and only recently recovered, but it wasn’t the virus. He, and Wendy, were worried initially that Corin might be old enough to catch the Adult-killing-Virus. Luckily, he isnt quite 18, and it turned out to be a terrible case of bronchitis instead.