Wendy could imagine what the meeting in the gym would be like, so instead if staying in the crowded room, she went exploring the abandoned high school building instead.
I cant believe that nobody has ransacked the place. Maybe all the kids are too scared to destroy the safe places of their past I think to myself…but whatever the reason, I am happy to find the whole place intact.
It looks like all the kids and teachers will walk through the doors heading to class at any moment.
My imagination takes hold me, and suddenly I am surrounded by the ghosts of the recent past…and just as suddenly, I’m alone again in the empty hall outside of the science labs.
“Hellloooooo!?” I say to the empty corridor. No reply. I didn’t expect one. I try the doors, but all are locked. Realizing this, I head towards the principals office…also locked. damn I think to myself. I guess we were lucky to get into the gym at all…the whole place is locked up tight.
- now if I were a key, where would I be? I ask myself…and then it dawns on me. The janitor. I head to the janitors cleaning closets back near the gym and am happy to find that door unlocked.
I can hear the raised voices from the gym, and suddenly the doors open and a brown&blue haired girl with a baby comes out looking flustered. She doesn’t notice me.
I slip into the janitors room and close the door behind me.
It seems to take forever snooping through the desk and closets for a set of keys, and I still don’t find any. Im about to give up when I notice a jacket hanging on the inside of the door. I search the pocket, and Eureka! I find them!
I can hear more people leaving the gym now, so I slip the keys into my pocket and lock up the room on my way out the door. Suddenly I feel very cool, having this set of keys all to myself. I dont have to tell anyone about them if I dont want to…
But would that be right? i ask myself as I leave the room…its a question for later. The meeting seems to be over.
I shove my way through the outpouring of kids and re enter the gym. I see Corin at the top of the bleachers. Instead of heading towards him I slip behind the bleachers and find a place to wait for him, hidden out of sight. I’m actually right below him now, and it’s a perfect place for evesdropping on his conversations. Corin tries to shield me from a lot, but I’m not a baby. I’m probably the one keeping us both alive